She's Droopy. How Do I Help Her?


In the Brooder
Jun 3, 2015
I have one older chick and had two younger ones. One of the younger chicks recently died. We moved the coop to a more sheltered area, thoroughly washed it, and cleaned out their water and food. The remaining younger chick is droopy, her eyes half closed, and when I let her out of the coop to eat grass, she never moves, only pecks at the grass and then sleeps, and then pecks again. Her wings dip slightly. I have tried adding a little bit of sugar in their water to perk her up, but after a few days she still looks depressed. How can I help her get better?
You don't mention where you live (warm or cold weather) and how old she is. I'm wondering if she is too cold / young and needs warmth from a heat lamp. Is she does have cocci, it would be a good idea to treat the others as well. You may also want to post in detail about her condition at "emergencies, diseases, injuries, cures," thread. I hope she will be okay.
She is 10 weeks old and we live in California, which is usually warmer, and currently is cooler
Welcome to the BYC flock! We are glad you joined us!


How is your chick doing? Were you ever able to figure out what the issue was?

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