Shipped button quail hatch along!!!!!!!

Bird fanatic

May 10, 2021
Today I finally received 14 button quail eggs in the mail! They are going in the incubator tomorrow morning, I am giving them 12 hours to rest. This is my first time ever hatching buttons, I'm very excited! Any tips will be helpful, I am keeping the temp 99.5-100.00 degrees and humidity 50% until lock down then it will go up to 60 to 65%. Any tips will be helpful I will be locking them down on day 13. I will update you! Please follow along!!!!!
Today I finally received 14 button quail eggs in the mail! They are going in the incubator tomorrow morning, I am giving them 12 hours to rest. This is my first time ever hatching buttons, I'm very excited! Any tips will be helpful, I am keeping the temp 99.5-100.00 degrees and humidity 50% until lock down then it will go up to 60 to 65%. Any tips will be helpful I will be locking them down on day 13. I will update you! Please follow along!!!!!
Following! I miss my quail tons. 💞
Ok so I candled and many of them have sadled air cells and a few with detached, I will be incubating upright until day 7 then I will candle and determine which ones need to stay upright and which can lay flat
OK yesterday I received 25 rare color coturnix eggs and 25 golden and Italian coturnix eggs, I started them with the button eggs they will just got into lock down when the buttons do!
One button hatched yesterday!!! A bunch of eggs are rocking back a forth too! sorry for blurry picture I will post a better one later its so small!!!
Ok today I checked the incubator and so many coturnix eggs were pipped I couldn't even count them!!! So hopefully by tomorrow morning we will have a bator full!!

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