shipped eggs.....hatchday ? when? oh my!


8 Years
Mar 24, 2011
Okay so I ordered 12 eggs...received 14...2 were completely scrambled. All had damaged air cells, except for 2 that look normal. Well I put them in Saturday evening, after resting them. I candled them this afternoon, keeping them vertical, pressed for space in the bator and wanted to see if there were any that didn't settle, and were obvious scrambles.

7:30 this evening will be 48 hours...and of the 12, ten are showing development ALREADY!! I see small spider veins and blood island in ten of them and 2 of them heartbeats!! This would mean they started developing in shipment, right? So when do I lock them down? One of the heartbeat ones looks like one of my eggs did at 4 days incubation. Do I just check them later and try to gauge lockdown time individually, by how they look developmentally.

Also I did candle previously and saw nothing, except the loose air cells...and I have read on how to help those. you put them in Saturday.count three saturdays.21 days.then count back three days.18 lockdown day.
Hope that helps and good luck............
I get all thing is that I'm on day 2 (actual 51 hours) and I have eggs with visible heartbeats like a 4 or 5 day incubation egg. To me thay means that they started developing during shipping, so the typical/normal incubation plan would need altering?
It depends. I can usually see stuff on day 3. you probably just have a super bright torch or your incubator could be a little too warm.
If you feel they've started developing during shipping, which probably could happen in the heat of summer, then start lockdown 2 days earlier than you normally would. Sounds like you have experience in candling eggs so check them before you put them to lockdown, make sure they are full and look like they're about to hatch. I can't believe you are getting that development on shaken eggs, the ones I received did not start, well a few did but the rest were a disaster on the inside. Good luck.
Temp is holding steady (via 4 thermometers) at 100.5

I've never candled later eggs. My first batch goes into lock down Monday. What would I look for, when candling, to be able to tell if they're ready to hatch? An internal pip into air cell? Or is it to late then?

I quickly candled this morning....just took the egg carton out and shone a light through the top...I know have 10 heartbeats. I won't candle again for a few days, so I can check stability of air cell.
This is why i'm TERRIFIED!!! to order eggs online! I"m so afraid with the way carless UPS and FEDEX men are that they will just Toss my box around and kill my eggs!. that and they can't seem to figure out.. If a dog is out front.. Deliever to the side porch.. not abandon delievey.. esp when the dog will only LICK U TO DEATH!!>.

that or they ignore the sign on the side porch that says NO PACAKGES PLZ TAKE TO FRONT!>. and you don't discover the package for a entire week cause you NEVER use that side porch

well I do now that the chickens are there and we have the dog. but We didnt use that porch till a month ago.
Just an update on my shipped eggs....14 came in..2 were obvious scrambles.

I set 12..candled day 5, took out 4.....opened up 2 infertile, 1 scrambled, and 1 blood ring. I hadn't thought that last one was going to make it, there was lots of stuff floating around, but it had a heart beat so had to try. On day 6 now, with 9 lil embryos.

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