Shipped eggs shipped incorrectly


Mar 13, 2022
Hey everyone,

I ordered some eggs online and believe it or not it only took them two days to get from coast to coast!!

Anyway, when I opened them the sender had shipped them with the pointy side up. I’m obviously letting them rest (pointy side down of course) before I put them in the incubator but will they develop since they spent at least two days with the pointy side up? Is there anything I can do to possibly help them develop? Thanks for any advice!
I had some eggs shipped and let then set for only 6 hrs. Well I only had 5 of 12 hatch. Two more developed but didn't fully develop. Most of the ones I opened the yolk had been scrambled.

The next set I ordered I let set on the counter pointy side down for 24hrs before incubating them. Of the 15 I received 13 hatched.

Unfortunately shipped eggs are a gamble. Even if the did package them the correct way who knows if the package was handled correctly.
What do the air cells look like? The risk with storing eggs "wrong way up" is that the air cell will be on the narrow end instead of the wide. Are the air cells in the narrow or wide end?
All of them but one look like the air cell is on the wide end. That one is a little darker than the others and was hard to make out.
I had some eggs shipped and let then set for only 6 hrs. Well I only had 5 of 12 hatch. Two more developed but didn't fully develop. Most of the ones I opened the yolk had been scrambled.

The next set I ordered I let set on the counter pointy side down for 24hrs before incubating them. Of the 15 I received 13 hatched.

Unfortunately shipped eggs are a gamble. Even if the did package them the correct way who knows if the package was handled correctly.
I’ve done the same thing in the past. I’ve learned to always give them 24 hours before putting them in the incubator.
They are moving around a lot. I’ve read somewhere to not turn them the first three days of incubation to hopefully help the air cells reattach. Is that correct?
I did that with my barch of 15 eggs. Hardly any of the air pockets were saddled. I feel that it did help with position of the air cell.

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