Shipped eggs


In the Brooder
May 18, 2020
Hi, iv had some shipped eggs delivered they are due to go into the incubator today.
2 have detached funny shaped air cells but not fully detached which I’m going to keep upright in the incubator, the other 4 haven’t got perfectly round air cells on top some move ever so slightly making it but of a funny shape circles but not to bad ( I’ll post pics iv drawn around them) am I okay to have these lay flat in the incubator or am I best keeping these upright as well? Thanks


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I would keep them all upright if possible. Jagged air cells could mean the embryo died, you'll have to wait and see.
I would keep them all upright if possible. Jagged air cells could mean the embryo died, you'll have to wait and see.
Ok thanks iv got them all upright in the incubator now, they are in cardboard egg cartons. I’m not sure wether this is a good thing or not keep seeing mixed things! Iv cut them down so it’s only covering bottom of egg and iv also put holes
I wait for 12 hours after setting shipped eggs to start turning them. I doesn't really make a difference in my opinion though.
I have had bad experience with shipped eggs one out 20 hatch. One's with detached funny shaped air cells develop but not make it way out. GOOD LUCK 😉
if your turning by hand then you need to turn 3 times a day. How long did you leave the sit upright before you placed in the incubator. I left mine for 24 hours before incubating but i have an electric turner. And not good success I had 15 eggs 6 hatched 1 died 1 problems that i am still fighting with they are 3 weeks old
Most people seem to favor 24 hours before incubating. They look better than most of mine did though and I had 3 that would have hatched if one hadn't had a double membrane

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