Shipping Eggs

my Lil one I hatched on my own

That is sooooo cute!!! It's a Silkie explosion. I hope that'll be me in a few days. Mine went into lockdown. Only 5/16 have made it this far. But, considering they're all the way from Florida and this is my first time with shipped eggs, I'm pretty happy with the results so far. How many eggs did you initially have to hatch all those little babies?
They are very cute. I have about a dozen in the bator now. My first hatch. They were shipped from Florida and all seem to be doing well so far, fingers crossed! This has me so anxious I need candlers anonymous, lol!
So did I lol I was worried all the candling would hurt them. I checked them until I seen a internally pip and then I would leave them alone until hatch and they all did great. I started out with 28 and had 12 hatch. I also had a few dozen from other people too
All together looks like I'm going to have at least 30 I have lost very few that actually started developing most the ones that didn't make it didn't even start
All together looks like I'm going to have at least 30 I have lost very few that actually started developing most the ones that didn't make it didn't even start

That's so exciting!!! Do you plan on breeding or showing these chickens in the future?
That's great! I would have to learn a lot first I have never shown anything before.

The magnolia silkies are great quality so you definitely have a good starting point. If you have any questions, the Silkie thread and the Silkie color genetics and breeding thread both have a lot of experienced Silkie owners who show.

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