Shipping emu eggs

You can practice by sending one to me.
farmchick897 what state are you located in?

You might want to be careful about shipping it anything other then "ground". If it got on a plane this time of year it might freeze.
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My hubby wants to hatch again. I guess he forgave the last batch of chicks when one of them sliced his hand open and required ER visit and stitches.

We brought the breeding pair of emus in the barn last year and kept the eggs close to a heat lamp until they got a clutch and started sitting. My question this year would be, can I gather the eggs and keep them from freezing until I get a clutch and then put the emus in the barn with their eggs or would they not sit on them if you touch them or take them away?? I would hate to spend days collecting and then they won't sit.
I'm interested in them, let me know a price and how many are available. I got all set for them over the summer but its hard to find them in PA. Please PM me when you know what you decide on doing. Thank you, John.
We had a freeze last night so any eggs not found in the pasture will be cracked now. I have the one egg in the house but if this is the first egg of the season it might not be good? I plan to put the emus up in the barn by January so between now and then any eggs can be shipped. I don't know what a fair price for eggs would be so I'm open for offers.

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