Short Video of our new coop and run


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 8, 2013
Hi folks,

We've had chickens for two years now. We recently moved to a house in the country and built a great new coop.

Here is a short video your of the coop and an introduction to our birds (and the dogs as well).

We are super pleased with how the coop turned out. Let me know if you have any questions about our setup.
loved the video and loved your set up:)) I do have a q tho,,I'm rebuilding my barn this spring (demolished in storm sandy),,anyway,,I had crank out windows in the last one, so used hardware mesh on the inside , easy to crank open windows.

New windows I'm getting look like yours, but are huge 32 x 47,,how do you open your windows thru the hardware mesh on the inside?? Not sure if I will mesh inside or outside windows at this point.

Just wondering how you get yours open thru the mesh?
Good question. Its pretty easy to put your fingers through the mesh to open the windows .... but our windows are pretty light weight.

I would start with the mesh on the inside .... you can always move it.
Love your set up!

The best part was definitely the dog-rooster interaction: "ooohhh" Lol. I wish I had a dog that safely chase our somewhat opinionated rooster around!
Well planned and thought out Good Job!

I would be proud of that project buddy!

Hope you got the heavier octagon fox wire on your chicken run.

Chicken wire does not stand up well to predators..
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I don't have any peafowl (yet), but I was under the impression they needed substantially more space and perches than chickens?
You are correct.

We are working toward getting the peafowl to free range full-time. They are perfectly happy and safe roosting in trees and on roof tops so we would like them out of the coop, but they grew up in the coop and have become attached to it. We've locked them out of the coop a few times to let them spend the night outside and they did fine. We just need to be more diligent with getting them acclimated to free-ranging full time.

We would like the guineas to free range full time too, but since they are smaller, we want to provide them with some sort of shelter should the weather get really nasty. That sort of shelter needs to be open all the time for them to come and go as they like, but it also needs to be safe from foxes .... we are still sorting that all out, so for now everyone is in the coop.
Thanks. I have to wait a few more years, until we move, before I can get any. My OH insists the neighbours wouldn't be too pleased if we got some here. They already complain about the wild pheasants...
Thanks. I have to wait a few more years, until we move, before I can get any. My OH insists the neighbours wouldn't be too pleased if we got some here. They already complain about the wild pheasants...
Don't wait. Get a couple of hens and a small coop. They will be very quiet and almost anyone enjoys seeing a chicken pecking around in the yard.

It does't cost much for a small setup and its still loads of fun.
I have lots of hens, it's the peafowl I'd like. We keep the bulk of our chickens on an allotment, but peafowl would be too big a temptation to theives and, with the neighbours, home is a big no-no. Thinking about rheas in the meantime...
You're peahens are simply gorgeous. You're so lucky to be able to keep them in your back garden. You'll have to do another video when they're fully free-range. I'd be interested to see them.

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