Should Australorp babies have black shanks and yellow/orange feet?


May 4, 2021
Serbia, Bačka Palanka
So I have pair of Black Australorps and I had male before female, so after I got female she had been with another roo that is mixed breed. After she was at my place about 10 days after I set her eggs under broody just to see what will hatch. My male has been mating with her since day one so I thought that there will be chance of pure Australorps. All 4 hatched like this one. Thanks
Yellow skin is a recessive trait, & one of my Buff Orpington hens is split for yellow, though she has white.

Most chicks hatch with yellow shanks, that eventually turn white as they grow. Some will hatch with pink/white shanks.(Depending on breed/mix)
Orpington chick on the right.
Same Orpington at a couple weeks
7 weeks. Note how the skin changed to pink/white?
it changed sooner then 7 weeks, this picture was the best.
Well, Australorps are supposed to have white skin, so if your chick has yellow skin, then the parents must not be pure. Can you please post a picture of each of them?
They have both black with white soles and are not jersey giant or black sexlings, female was with other male before I got her. After I got her, my australorp male was mating with her and around 10 days later one other pullet went broody so I used Australorps eggs for fun to see what will hatch.
They have both black with white soles and are not jersey giant or black sexlings, female was with other male before I got her. After I got her, my australorp male was mating with her and around 10 days later one other pullet went broody so I used Australorps eggs for fun to see what will hatch.
That may be your answer right there. A hen can store sperm for up to 2 weeks. So the egg this baby hatched from could have been fertilized by the last rooster she was with. What breed is the other rooster?
That may be your answer right there. A hen can store sperm for up to 2 weeks. So the egg this baby hatched from could have been fertilized by the last rooster she was with. What breed is the other rooster?
He is mixed breed, I know that hen can store for 2 even more weeks but I also searched that if hen has been mated by last roo then by new roo that after few days babie will be from last roo mated with her. So I just wanted to see but also seen on other threads that some other guys had australorps with yellow soles and feet.
A hen can store sperm for up to 2 weeks.

I have 4 black hens to prove that they can store sperm long than 3 weeks sometimes.

but I also searched that if hen has been mated by last roo then by new roo that after few days babie will be from last roo mated with her.

This is not true.

Hens are capable of rejecting unwanted sperm from unwelcome males. It's also possible for different eggs to be fertilized by different males when the sperm mixes in her storage area.

The same hatch that produced my black girls produced chicks fertilized by the other rooster as well. :)

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