Should I add baby turkeys to my flock?


7 Years
Feb 11, 2012
We have a well established flock of 10 hens and one roo that have been together for 2 years or more. I just acquired 3 baby turkeys and am wondering when I should - or IF I should - introduce them. Anyone out there with a "mixed" flock?
I wouldn't at first, they can get blackhead. After a month or so they will range with them. Mine are fun, I have 5 white heritage. This is the third time I've tried turkeys, and the only ones that have lived this long. They get sick easily.
Turkeys can get blackhead no matter how old they are. Call your local ag department and ask if there have any reported cases of blackhead in your area. I wouldn't put the poults out until they're about the same size as your chickens (introduction in a separated area where everyone can meet is best). My hen raised babies seem tough as nails, but I've never had much luck with brooder raised poults. Keep them warm and safe until they are feathered in and good size and you should be fine. My turks live with the chickens. My hen just hatched 5 adorable poults, and parades them around in front of the chickens. The chickens learned real quick to stay away from the fuzzy cheeping things. Good luck!
Thanks so much for the help. I will call our local ag dept. I think we'll make a seperate pen and let them get acquainted. It seems as though they will be able to free-range together.
Thanks again!
I have two turkeys that are roughly eight weeks old. They get along with my full grown chickens for the most part, although I have seen the hens bully them a time or two. Both of my turkeys quit walking at about 5 weeks old. They would poop on themselves and wouldn't even take themselves to food or water. I almost culled them multiple times but never could bring myself to do it(I really like the turkeys). Now they walk OK. They wander around to forage and get food/water... though they walk like an old man with arthritis. I'm hoping they will work out and be able to live normal lives. I have heard that they will get aggressive with mixed sex flocks but haven't experienced it yet.. though it's been recommended to do all toms or all hens. Good luck.
One of our baby turkeys (3 months old) attacks the older chickens every time I try to put them together. Claws straight to the face.

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