Should I assist the quail eggs? Pipped for 12 hours, no signs of life.

Celeste Cannon

5 Years
Jan 15, 2018
Los Angeles, California
I'm worried the chicks in there are stuck/need help, I noticed the pip at around 11 this morning, but I have no idea how long it had been like that. Theres a chick that hatched at around 2pm today, pretty soon after we noticed his pip at 11. The other 2 haven't moved, cheeped or pipped any more than when I first noticed them. Should I poke a hole in there tonight or tomorrow to give them some strength back? I plan on moving the hatched chick to the brooder in the morning. Should I wait till then? Or just not touch them? I really want more babies :hit
I'm worried the chicks in there are stuck/need help, I noticed the pip at around 11 this morning, but I have no idea how long it had been like that. Theres a chick that hatched at around 2pm today, pretty soon after we noticed his pip at 11. The other 2 haven't moved, cheeped or pipped any more than when I first noticed them. Should I poke a hole in there tonight or tomorrow to give them some strength back? I plan on moving the hatched chick to the brooder in the morning. Should I wait till then? Or just not touch them? I really want more babies :hit
Have you checked out the Hatching 101 thread or the Assisted Hatching article? I have only hatched once so I don't have much advice. Hopefully the below members will be available for advice.
@Kiki @Nabiki @muddy75 @sean007 @Verna Y
That's what I would do as well. Chickens I've assisted have usually turned out fine, but quail that don't hatch properly always seem to be tiny, weak and/or deformed, and seldom make it in the end.
I just worry that when I open to the incubator to add some water they may have shrink wrapped. This morning it looks like nothings changed. You guys sure I should still wait it out? I also only planned to add a small hole for breathing and breaking but not taking off the shell for them. It’s so hard to just leave them! They were supposed to be such cool varieties and the only one I hatched is an Italian.
I just worry that when I open to the incubator to add some water they may have shrink wrapped. This morning it looks like nothings changed. You guys sure I should still wait it out? I also only planned to add a small hole for breathing and breaking but not taking off the shell for them. It’s so hard to just leave them! They were supposed to be such cool varieties and the only one I hatched is an Italian.
I open my bator a million times and haven't had a shrink-wrap issue.
Based on what I've read, shrink wrapping is caused by a systemic humidity issue, constant low humidity, not just opening it every now and then. Do you have a hygrometer (humidity sensor)?
Based on what I've read, shrink wrapping is caused by a systemic humidity issue, constant low humidity, not just opening it every now and then. Do you have a hygrometer (humidity sensor)?

Yes I do have some, one incubator has been in the 80s while the other wont surpass 50! should I try moving the low humidity eggs to the high humidity area? I have room for them. I might've killed those ones though cuz the incubator dropped to 25 one night, but I think I saw one pipped yesterday. What do you guys think?

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