Should I be finding more?


7 Years
Sep 16, 2012
Olive Branch, IL
We have 9 "laying hens" all around 1 1/2 - 2 years old and 3-4 new laying hens (around 6 months old), we find from 2-5 eggs per day in the coop. I look around their yard & have only found one, one time. Do you think they're laying them out in the yard & the others are eating them? Should I be getting more?
The 9 layers are: 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 5 (what appear to be) Blue Orphington/Araucana mixes, & 2 Barred ?? mixes. The younger hens are: 1 Partridge Cochin, 1 Black Cochin, 1 Buff Orphinton & 1 White Rock.
Thanks! :)
The 1 1/2 - 2 year olds are probably starting their molts. Are you seeing lots of feathers around? They don't lay eggs while molting. Your 6 month old girls should be still laying, although it won't be as heavy with the shorter days.
What about around the yard? Look at their tails and their necks - it may not be real obvious yet, sometimes you have to look really closely. Also pay attention to when they shake off, if you see feathers falling off of them, they are molting.

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