Should I be worried - BR's egg changing


Rhymes with 'henn'
11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
South Puget Sound
My BR, Dumpling, laid an egg on 1/8 that had a very thin shell. On 1/10 she laid a weird "sack egg" - no shell, just the membrane. She's on layer feed, with extra egg shells in their feed and free-choice oyster shell. No egg yesterday. She's a new layer, and has only been laying about 2 weeks.

Should I be worried about egg-binding, internal laying, or...?

No worries. The young ones will go through this as their reproductive systems mature. She should settle into more normal production within a few weeks. As I recall, BRs have a tendency to lay only 4-5 eggs per week so taking a day off will be normal.
Shouldn't be anything to worry about! You're doing everything right. Give her a bit more time bfore you get too worried.
Thanks for the input! My BSL and RIR and egg MACHINES who lay 5-6/week. The BR lays the biggest eggs, but the BSL lays more frequently.

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