Should I build a coop?


Aug 15, 2019
Quezon Province, Philippines

So I've been asking myself this question over the past weeks. Should I build coops for my chickens? I live in a rural area. My flock here already roosts on tree branches at the back of my house. So I was thinking, is it worth the effort building them coops? Also I'm pretty sure they won't roost at a coop since they are already roosting on trees. They are free roam chickens btw.
Most of them are tame when they know I have food in my hands. I don't need them to be more secure since there are not that many predators here. I only see crows but I'm not really concerned for them. However I'm afraid that my neighbors might steal them when they wander too far. One of my rooster that is 7 months old never returned. Should I somehow build a coop in a big area surrounded by nets to prevent them from escaping?
Yes the hens should have a secure place where they feel safe to lay their eggs. IMO, I would build a coop with a nice run. You can always let them out to free range, they will learn to go in the coop at night to roost. If you do decide to build there are nice ideas here. Also to train them to use the coop you would need to leave them in for a few days to a week, maybe more being they are use to roosting in the trees.
If you are serious about keeping your chickens, build a coop and a secure run. Just because you have personally not seen any predators, does not mean they aren't out there. Build your coop and provide nest boxes so your girls know where to lay their eggs.
Most of them are tame when they know I have food in my hands. I don't need them to be more secure since there are not that many predators here.
Where did you get the chickens?
Having a coop would be good if you want to collect their eggs,
you'd have to catch them and keep them locked up in coop for a week or so.
If you build it well, then they will want to roost in there.

Oh, and.... Welcome to BYC! @Chickenlover106
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
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