Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Ugh I thought the 5 month wait for eggs was bad but this 3 week wait for hatching is even worse. Tomorrow is day 18 for 11 of the eggs including the 4 under Squirt. The last 7 are a day behind.

it is torture isn't it??? 2 days to go... this one is not like Peach. Peach would reject an egg, kick it out. this one eats them. it's so gross. and it smells. I think she only has 5 eggs left.

I moved Peach, Esther and Sillie into Sam and Gil's former pen section. I installed a lower roost for Sillie, but she may be able to get to the higher one by jumping to the top of her kennel nest. they are seemingly quite content in there, no competition... just wait til later... I'm moving Henry in at near dark. hopefully, they will sleep through it and discover him in the morning.

25 Eggs in the basket, but I do have to make one more check, might have 3 more in a bit.
Oh dear, I think we are in serious trouble here! Remember what happened with Tribbles on the Enterprise? I could easily imagine that happening to us soon!

I guess Mustacheio wanted me to show these pics. We set it up so the hens could eat and drink without leaving the coop. Had to put wire on the roost above so the others would not poop in there. It did not work. They perched on the wire!

The chicks can barely make it out of the nest and certainly can't make it back in. Good thing there are 2 hens!

All 5 chicks and both mamas have since been moved to a secure cage inside the run. They will stay there until I think they are safe from being eaten by the other adults. The hens were soooo happy to be off the nest. Will post pics later.
Well... another problem for me. I came home and let the chicks in the pen and the big girls to free range. I noticed blood on the face of a suspected roo. Then he attacked a lav am. The other suspected roo. The second had wounds on his face and was bloody. Heck they are only less than 5 weeks. I kept separating the "roos", but the larger one always immediately attacked. The smaller roo would hide under Rumples wing, but the Mean One would follow and attack again. Then the Mean one attacked the black lav . He chases them down and bites the head and neck pulling out feathers. I put him in time out for 10 minutes and he ran into the pen and hauled *** on the smaller roo.
I threw him in time out this time. It might be culling time. We are gone for 4 days and I am not risking the lives of the little Bungees. Hmmm... maybe put him in with the big girls.... any thoughts??
Scrambles, you could try putting him in with the older girls, but they will fight back a lot better than the chicks... tough situation.

Henry is in with the 3 hens. the move was quiet and quick. I put him on the roost next to Esther, but he hopped down and jumped up on the roost on the opposite side of the pen, so he's next to his bachelor buddies, but chain link separates them. morning should be interesting. I think this is good timing, as it is supposed to rain for the rest of the week. they have to learn to cope... well, have to is strong, I can take him out if they are beating on him...

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