Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

In other news. I didn't have time to make up a fancy poem but our egg count on thursday was...


Our first PERFECT day! The last frontier on my little chicken farm. The last goal I was waiting to reach. I opened the nest box and was greeted by 6 eggs! Way to go girls! I gave them lots of treats that evening!
No, I never suspected any of the 6 I have are roos. I complained about one of them taking a long time to lay which prompted others to wonder if she was a roo but I never thought she was and photos proved her to be a pullet, and she did end up laying. All 6 are definitely pullets and I've been sure about that since probably may. They all lay eggs and none of them crow.

Roosters are illegal for miles around my house and I've never seen or heard one anywhere near here. It's just weird! It was for sure a chicken egg too and not some rogue turkey egg. It has to be an infertile egg that just resembles a fertile one because there is just no way a roo got to the girls. Either that or it's immaculate poultry conception and I just ate the chosen one of the chicken world...
Hooray for a perfect day! and as for the fertilized or not eggs... there are such things as hermaphrodite chickens... just haven't done enough research to learn if the hermaphrodite hen can self fertilize their own eggs...

13 in the basket up here, I'm happy. lots of molting going on and lot of new pins coming in... today was glorious - and most everyone flopped over for a sun bath so I got some really cute pics -

and with just 1 full day to go!!! I believe she will make it! I was hovering a bit today, listening for additional peeping that might indicate a pip or even an early hatch...I couldn't hear anything as baby is so noisy... but so adorable! she will be the queen of the jellybean when the rest hatch!
Hermaphrodites usually contain both sex organs. They can fertilize their own eggs but this is not a satisfactory solution for the long term because this creates offspring genetically identical to the parent. This will not do in case the environment changes down the road and none of the members of the population can survive the change. not only that, but generally, the mutations involved do not produce a formed offspring, so while the egg may appear fertilized, it will not hatch. source, Wiki subtext



This is one of the boys from Harriet's first brood. He has a really funky comb that seems to be a cross between a straight comb and a pea comb. He also has feathered legs so Kahoots is the dad, and one of the EE girls is the bio-mom.
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I'm stunned to be completely frank... however... I should have had faith. Peach, Gossy's Mama, sat on the egg that hatched into Gossy for 25 days. what's one more day, right? smh... I'm still stunned.

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