Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

My 3 girls just turned 22 wks and we got our first egg TODAY! Can't wait to check tomorrow.
That's awesome. It's so amazing to get that first egg. Still exciting for the ones to come too. What kind of chickens do you have?
I have 18 week old hens. One is laying out of 6. So far 3 eggs in 3 days. She's a Buff. How many eggs do they typically lay a week!?! Any guesses?

I really depends on the individual chicken. If I remember right (a rare occurrence lately) Orpingtons are considered very good layers, somewhere in between good and excellent. I think you can expect about 5 eggs per week. They tend to lay less as they get older and during the winter, due to less sunlight. The one buff Orp I have laid about that many during her pullet year, and has not laid since. She is 3 now. She happens to be the sweetest girl, and a favorite of my son, so she has a home for life.
I really depends on the individual chicken.  If I remember right (a rare occurrence lately) Orpingtons are considered very good layers, somewhere in between good and excellent.  I think you can expect about 5 eggs per week.  They tend to lay less as they get older and during the winter, due to less sunlight.  The one buff Orp I have laid about that many during her pullet year, and has not laid since.  She is 3 now.  She happens to be the sweetest girl, and a favorite of my son, so she has a home for life. 

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