Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I'm with W4W on this, and if you don't have help, use a pen light that you can hold with your teeth or better yet, one of those caps that have small lights on the brim (I have one of those and they are great!) when I have gone out at dark to treat frostbite, I have zero flapping and flailing, not even from a roosting neighbor. some murmuring... but no trouble at all. not even from a rooster

I got a unicorn for using the potty!
My 17 yr old son got his driver's license yesterday!
He was resistant to the idea and has only done it reluctantly, so it was quite an accomplishment. Huge smile from him and he drove himself to school this morning!! We don't have bus service out here, and my younger boy is attending a different high school in a different town, so I have been going crazy being taxi mom. Besides, the older kid will be going to the local JC in the fall, and mommy can't drive him forever!
The enablers got me! I have 14 tiny eggs under 6 broody hens. I didn't check yesterday, so there are probably more!
Why am I doing this???!!
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I got a unicorn for using the potty!
Never underestimate the power of bribery rewards! In the pic, it looks like she doing :yesss:
She did it again!
She's going to have a whole herd of unicorns soon! Sure is easier on the budget than buying diapers.
I have a five pack of horses and unicorns that she wasn't given for Christmas. I also have a few other things to give her. It's better than candy! I'm sure we will get into the M$Ms soon, but for now this is better. Not a food reward, no rotting her teeth, no mess and more special for encouraging her.
She's awake but quiet. I need more time before I have to race around the dining room on my hands and knees under the table. Lots of banging my head and back if I forget to stay down. And if my hair is down, I crawl on it. Or she does. Then there's the rug burn.
Anyway! I need more time. So, I'm leaving her alone to poop her pants. I'm a bad person. Shoot me!

ETA. You know I'm regretting that now. Especially since the offending diaper is in the playroom where I'm currently sitting. Peeeeeeeeeeee u!!!!
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aww MC, so understandable... even if it is stinky. I hear ya on the needing more rest, quiet time or just plain sleep! puppies... almost as energetic as a toddler... and Peri gets me up before 5 every morning, I normally get up a bit past 5, but since I'm off work... sheesh.
we got an inch of snow over the course of the morning. I normally do not care, have studded snow tires, drive for a living... but have anxiety today, probably because I'm 5 days away from surgery. getting nervous and it hurts because the pre-op nurse mooked around with it. I'm so careful, but when they "test" it, it hurts a lot worse for about 3 days. Still, I made it out this afternoon for some groceries and special seeds for the flock.

W4W, my Cressa growled at me so bad today when I took her egg... oh boy. here we go already! but it's not going to happen until April and I won't let any bantam eggs be included in clutches. I need large fowl. I gave away or sold all the large fowl that hatched in 2015, including the Silkie's I bought in case Gossy's eggs failed. I have no large fowl under the age of 3. but they're laying!

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