Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I do think there are more boys hiding in there but I'm just waiting on some of the ones with the weird combs to either pink up or not. The pea combs I am okay with and the straight combs should be easy for anyone I would think.
You never know! Sometimes the cockerels seem to show up over night
Speaking of Spike, she's still a little... different.

Was up early this morning doing the rounds.

Not sure if she came by to look for breakfast or complain that her garage door was closed.
Turns out it was the garage door being closed that she was complaining about. I found her in the garage, way back in the corner next to the furnace, under a bunch of absolutely necessary items (aka junk) carefully stored there. I could hear her scratching around and what sounded like something rolling around too. :rolleyes: Took her out and locked her in the coop. Went back and found these in the deep dark corner.

Good thing I am not afraid of spiders
After an hour, I had to let her out of the coop since the others needed to get in to lay. Spike headed straight back to the garage, with several stops at my kitchen window to complain that the garage door was closed again. sigh So a made her a nest box and set it on the sill outside the kitchen window. She was very happy... made the funniest little happy sounds, and then proceeded to scratch up the box and kick the hay all over! Weird chicken.

Gee mom, took you long enough to get the message and make my special box.

Beats the dark corner! At least she isn't trying to get into the garage anymore.

My new view out the kitchen window, complete with hay and poop all over. :hmm Spike is in there somewhere, enthusiastically thrashing around.

But, like we always say, when ya got to go, you got to go!
And Spike had to go. Yay!
Look how she scratched up that nice box!

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