Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I'm getting 25 Black Sex Links from 4-H, but I'm only keeping 2.

I AM, however, ordering some from Murray McMurray (hopefully)

ANCP ANCONA Females Shipped Jan - Nov​

ANDP BLUE ANDALUSIANS Females Shipped Jan - Nov​

ARAP ARAUCANA/AMERICANA Females Shipped Jan - Nov​

BLAP BLACK AUSTRALORP Females Shipped Jan - Nov​

DLWP DELAWARE Females Shipped Jan - Nov​

LAKP LAKENVELDERS Females Shipped Jan - Nov​

NEHP NEW HAMPSHIRES Females Shipped Jan - Nov​

PEAP PEARL-WHITE LEGHORN Females Shipped Jan - Nov​

RCBP ROSE COMB BROWN LEG. Females Shipped Jan - Nov​

RIRP RHODE ISLAND RED Females Shipped Jan - Nov​


SPSP SPECKLED SUSSEX Females Shipped Jan - Nov​

So exciting isn't it! thats an awesome combination, should be fun to watch them all grow!
I recently had a really huge lice problem with my hen Roxy, my dominiquer. She had tons of huge egg balls around her vent feathers. She is nearly impossible to catch, so I was never able to check her for them until a couple days ago. I went straight to TSC and got her some mile and lice dust. This was 2 or 3 days ago. I dusted the whole flock, but her especially. I also ulled most of the eggs off of her. I did that 2 days in a row, and today, she's a lot better.
Ugh thats so hard to deal with, good thing you caught it. I have an EE that just SCREAMS if i dare touch her. poor thing, She is so afraid of people. She hates me about once a week when i catch em all and look them over.
A few evenings before my hens started laying, the were talking/singing very loudly sounded like complaining. A few days later, I started to get eggs.
hehe yes, i got the squatting, egg song and my roo mating every bird he could catch in the same week!
next week, eggs!
Finally!!!!! My ladies have been really loud in the last week and the dog goes rushing out to protect them (with no need but he likes to be involved) and now 8 weeks after I got them (they are now around 22 weeks) I found my first egg in the next box - my husband reckons I made more noise when I found it than Dahlia did when she laid it ! Then the next down Snowdrop laid a soft shell egg - I will let her off as it's her first attempt ! Here's to cake making
So awesome for you!!!!! woohoo!
it counts you get to do the egg dance!!!
well, I ended the day with 3 eggs, Peach is looking even better, and she seems ready to get out of the crate, although, she will stay for another few days minimum. I'll take her out tomorrow, let her see everyone, it's supposed to be excellent weather. we did get rain today, and it started much later than predicted which was nice as it didn't include any sleet. it was after dark, so I'll have to wait til morning to see how much melted and how slick it is...

ACW, that is so rough, I hope you get all the rest, fluids and tlc to make you better asap! it's been on the news for the last few days how horrible it is at hospitals that are overrun with flu patients, glad you got outta there, it's always better to be home anyway, even if /especially if you have the miseries... hugs friend, get well soon!

I really kicked some butt around here today, cleaned this house up! it looks so good, just have the upstairs to dust and vacuum and it's all done. (til next week) might have been spurred on by the good mood I'm in for bein' asked out all official-like for a proper date...
Roger wants to date Si. I told her she is not going anywhere dressed like that..........runnin round here half naked no feathers
Now when Peach is ready to move back outside will you be able to take her from the warm house to the chicken closure "cold turk....chicken"? Guess it depends on the weather. And I suppose she will lose her pecking order. Could you introduce Peach to the chicks and then that whole group of chicks along with Peach to the established flock. I'm just thinking out loud here about how I might handle that situation.
Good morning, Ok.
for me yesterday. The run is so sloppy wet, the eggs are filthy! I am glad the snow is melting, but the puddles are too much! Especially since they are going to freeze up in a few days. Yeay. Falling in the run. In all that ...
Mine did the same thing. They also started squatting if I loomed over them. I don't have a rooster and it seems this behavior is more common when there's no roo in the flock. Is your avatar a Welsummer? Quite the manly chicken specimen.
I have a Welsummer pullet (hatchery) and am finally getting a lovely dark speckled egg from her. How many do you have laying?
Yes, my avatar is a Welsummer. I will pass the compliment on to him. He's been a little rough on his hens lately so he's on probation at the moment. I have 4 Welsummer hens and I waited 7 months for eggs. I'm getting some beautiful dark brown eggs. They've been laying for about 2 months. They are still relatively small eggs. Anyone know when a hen's eggs reach their full size?

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