Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

JCH!!! how awesome is that!!!???!!! such a cool picture.

maybe add ramen noodles to her soup, without the flavor packet... so she gets lots of noodles, but no salt, and it's maybe 25 cents extra... one pack of ramen could be broken into 4 quarters...

ACW... how are you doing these days? keep popping in... I look forward to hearing from you!

W4W ~
bet everyone is looking forward to some breakfast for dinner now !

long day for me, but I had 7 large crates of CHICKS to deliver all over the district! loved all the peeping in the car, and everyone was home to take them. I also had 250 chicks for the Ag store that I went to last year with the crate of chicks that ended up being mine.
after work, I dashed home, collected 2 eggs, fed everyone, walked the dog and headed out to my friends for a traditional Irish boiled dinner. Happy Saint Patrick's Day everyone!

I did sneak a few peeks into some of the chick crates, and took a couple of pictures. I'm exhausted and have to get up super early tomorrow for a big route, so I'll get them on the computer tomorrow... so cute!
JCH!!! how awesome is that!!!???!!! such a cool picture.

maybe add ramen noodles to her soup, without the flavor packet... so she gets lots of noodles, but no salt, and it's maybe 25 cents extra... one pack of ramen could be broken into 4 quarters...

ACW... how are you doing these days? keep popping in... I look forward to hearing from you!

W4W ~
bet everyone is looking forward to some breakfast for dinner now !

long day for me, but I had 7 large crates of CHICKS to deliver all over the district! loved all the peeping in the car, and everyone was home to take them. I also had 250 chicks for the Ag store that I went to last year with the crate of chicks that ended up being mine.
after work, I dashed home, collected 2 eggs, fed everyone, walked the dog and headed out to my friends for a traditional Irish boiled dinner. Happy Saint Patrick's Day everyone!

I did sneak a few peeks into some of the chick crates, and took a couple of pictures. I'm exhausted and have to get up super early tomorrow for a big route, so I'll get them on the computer tomorrow... so cute!

Thank you
Yum, my grandpap on moms side was irish, awesome food! I would love to hear the peepeep all day, i never get tired of it. I have about 28 in my den in 2 brooders right now, its a super warm room. What did you do with 250 chicks
WOW thats a handful!

My name will be Paddy, I am the first goose born this year!

Faith and begorrah!! Welcome to the big world Paddy. Your birthday will be easy to remember.
The name is perfect for another reason. Paddy-pat is the exact sound of damp webbed feet walking on concrete.
Animallover, that's too bad about your grandma. Must have been scary. Sounds like she would be doing fine if she just ate a little more. Seems easy, but eating disorders are tough to beat and older folks are set in their ways and don't change easily, even if it would be good for them.

Cheeka, do you really deliver mail on Sundays? You work for the USPS, right? Never happens in Northern California, that's for sure! You don't want to hear the complaints about egg and chick deliveries I've read. Maybe we can recruit you to come straighten things out here in the west.

jchny, fortunately for you, you have all those other animals so no one can call you a crazy chicken lady. But it's close!!!
Don't go to the hatch-a-holics anonymous thread. I've heard they're just a bunch of enablers in disguise!
Quote: I can't wait till paddy is all dry! there's 4 more goose eggs, but when I candled 2 looked iffy. My DD's are hovering over the bator like vultures, wanting to hold him.
I love the pad waddle pad when they walk, its cute seeing them single file it in the yard!
Na, staying away from the hatchaholic thread, I won't ever stop then!
Hey! Where is everybody? Yoohoo! Anyone out there?

The Denagard finally came this weekend, so the Mob is getting dosed for respiratory ailments. Only one girl that I know of is having a problem, but giving it to all in their water to be on the safe side. I don't think they like the taste, it smells pretty strong, and are protesting by laying less. Got 8 yesterday, today 5.

Warmish and spring-like here. We are expecting some much needed rain in the next few days.

The Seramas are growing and getting more feathers, but the feathers on Donut are all split and kind of wonky. Hopefully he'll get nice new ones after the first molt.
Maybe we'll rename them Coffee and Hurricane Donut.

We are going out to dinner tonight. I don't have to cook on my birthday! YAY!

Are the new babies all fluffed out? Hope to see some Paddy pics. Tell him 'honk' from California!
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY W4W!!!!!! I hope you enjoy a leisurely dinner with lots of laughter!

and yes, USPS... and I do work on Sundays, because we have the Sunday/Holiday Express service in our district. it's been cancelled in a lot of areas. we do enough volume in the capitol district to continue the service. now there are 5 of us on the Sunday thing, so it's a full rotation. I get 2 Sundays off each month, one on call, and one on shift. I usually get the weekday holidays, as I have seniority... I have a Mon-Sat route, 6 months with no relief carrier there now. a new hire is in the works, but it won't happen in time for my granddaughter's visit and the birth of my grandson... I can still lend myself out to other offices, either for a small route and do a double, or I can borrow a carrier from a nearby town to do my route after she does her route, then I can be elsewhere. I like to work. and I really love the express route during chick season. JCH, the order for 250 chicks went to a country living store, they sell them every year. I also brought a few dozen chicks to a florist. that place was gorgeous...! smelled so good. the rest of the chick orders were for private residences/backyard flocks. it's so quiet after dropping off the last bunch, and I can finally open the windows and drop the heat...

we are having another blizzard. it's snowing hard, and sticking. we are supposed to have about 6 inches by morning, and another 6 inches by tomorrow evening. the RIR's have either stopped laying or they've found a new hiding place for their eggs. I've only gotten one brown egg in the last several days. I've looked for a hidden nest, but no luck finding it yet. they hid eggs, when... a month ago? I have another long day tomorrow, and with the accumulated snow, it really will be a long long day. I won't have much time to search til Wednesday. Today, 4 eggs, and maybe a whole pile of brown eggs somewhere...
oh and yes!!! the chicks are so amazingly adorable!, hurricane donut looks like a cruller. so cute!

I want to see more pics and from JCH as well!!!!!
I am going to gather the newborns after I candle and take their pictures
I am afraid to say the last 2 chicks and 4 geese eggs aren't doing anything
So am candling everything tonight. Have a bad feeling they didn't make it to hatch day. So sad

I have a huge hatch 3/22..... 2 bators full
I made a chick bator (here)
for a hatcher also. I need the goose egg sized turner racks, having trouble finding them in stock ANYWHERE

Hey! Where is everybody? Yoohoo! Anyone out there?

The Denagard finally came this weekend, so the Mob is getting dosed for respiratory ailments. Only one girl that I know of is having a problem, but giving it to all in their water to be on the safe side. I don't think they like the taste, it smells pretty strong, and are protesting by laying less. Got 8 yesterday, today 5.

Warmish and spring-like here. We are expecting some much needed rain in the next few days.

The Seramas are growing and getting more feathers, but the feathers on Donut are all split and kind of wonky. Hopefully he'll get nice new ones after the first molt.
Maybe we'll rename them Coffee and Hurricane Donut.

We are going out to dinner tonight. I don't have to cook on my birthday! YAY!

Are the new babies all fluffed out? Hope to see some Paddy pics. Tell him 'honk' from California!
Paddy is so precious, oh my! This is my first newborn goose, ever! I always took in everyone's throwaways, my geese from last year were almost a month old. He is snuggled up in my sweater right now

W4W oh my, the babies are beautiful, do you think donut maybe has the frizzle gene? precious babies

Hope your birthday was AWESOME!
Weather here is still so awful cold, sleet rainy and ugh. hate winter!!!!!

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