Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

cheeka great work on the stairs...It drives me nuts how the weeds come through the tiniest of cracks...I have that issue on my walkway to the front door. I actually was told to put vinegar on it one year and it has been a lot better this year. I am loving the weather right now. It is such a beautiful week with this breeze and warm weather.

W4W did you get him out of bed? lol

Mine just climbed all over me while I was trying to post the pictures. I forgot to post this one.
My Chicken Jungle. This is from the townhouse in the garden bed coop. Her name is Ruthie I adopted her this spring. She doesn't lay and basically I accept that she is a freeloader because she is pretty sweet and she came from a BYC friend.
Woohooo Luv
Sally... those chicks are adorable, and I think the yellow chick is a girl...nice new setup being built too! everybody posted really nice pics!

W4W, the new girls are gorgeous! I love the pics, very artistic.

I have cheeping eggs... don't know how many are cheeping... but she's still got all five... pretty cool... so maybe tonight, but at least by morning, I should have chicks!

Here are some pictures of my 3 brooder babies that I have left..... Any idea what kind they are? I am assuming that the middle one is a cockerel and the other 2 hens, and guessing that they are between 3-4 weeks old.

No clue, a wild guess is RIR?


Lindz, that is beautifully done, I would stain it to seal it....I bought paint for one of my coops and its a green color...I worry that it will chip or somehow not be good for the chickens...crazy lady I am.

I took pictures to share of this mornings going on...

he looks so happy doesn't he?

Building nesting boxes on the old shed conversion...

I interupted Tommy three times while she tried to lay...every time she would run out of the nesting box so fast I didn't even see her...she ran down the ramp (thats when I would know who it was) out the coop and around the shed. She is so flighty. I had to feed her treats to make her come back and calm down.

After that I was screwed....Happy Hen Treats for all.

The New Additions..MC do you still think the yellow is a girl?

Decided to cut some celery and prep it for freezing.

Chilling in my garden...brought it in with my celery by accident...had to let it go once I noticed. My brother in law was holding it for the picture.
Love the coop and all the pics!

Good luck with the build W4W, My husband is outside today building for me. Had to take the car to be inspected and hit the gym this morning....Now I am searching for new eggs. I was tempted by rhodebars last night and even sent a payment in case they happened to be still available. Sooooooooo....suggestions? I have someone who is willing to sell me Lavendar Orps...I love the look, my husband thinks they look dirty.
So what to buy what to buy?
the LO are very pretty in person, and sweet birds all around, I love mine! I would offer you eggs but I cant ship yet. (have to be NPIP)

I have a "Hen Hotel". A new broody coop and run. I think this would make the ultimate "chicken jail" if I could get my hands on it. Hello Roger
Haaha, theres one of the big buckets we are trying to set up to haul from the north end of town! thing is huge! It will be an awesome coop if we can get it
W4W, thanks! it's been a lot work, but it has been kind of fun... and it is starting to look good. the staircase needs more work, the stain doesn't match, and I mixed a few and got close, I needed to do another coat but my handyman put a coat of poly on it this morning... so now it's all uneven and shiny. great
It looks wonderful, love it!

"Wanna bet? hehehe"
RED!!!! STOP IT!!!!

Red goes after Quasey and Prissy all the time, but I don't think it will take.

Sally love your GLWs, look just like my spike and betsy!
I'm bumming. lost Violet today. (RIR who went broody in Spring...) I came in to answer the non-stop ringing phone to find out what the heck was so darn important... it was my friend and it was for nonsense, and I told her I had to go... but it's my fault for not interrupting her for the umpteenth time to say... I HAVE to go... not sure what the heck happened to Violet, but there is no sign of her anywhere, there was no commotion during the almost 15 minutes I was not watching them. I've searched for the past hour, not a feather to be found. she was acting a bit broody again for the last couple of days, but she did go out to range... I was hoping she sneaked off looking for a better nest, but I don't think so. stinks.
the neighbor hasn't seen anything, I've been all over the property... not finding a darn thing... the neighbor has been home and outside all day and she's nosy... nosy enough to say "oh no... I don't think a predator got her" meaning she didn't hear any ruckus either... it is not like her to wander. even if she is broody... she should be back at the door waiting to get in long by now and still no sign of her anywhere... I'm hopeful, but losing hope rapidly.

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