Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Hi ZakoHero, welcome to the thread, where Barred Rocks rule... and Pie is the preferred menu item! I'm quick to shorten everyone's handle... so I will call you ZH...

crazy day! the mail was 90 minutes late! which is only added stress as the afternoon truck doesn't come 90 minutes later, so I had to finish a 9 hour route in 7.5 hours. I was making great time til I got to the end, there was a really big fire at 8 this morning on Johnson Hollow Rd, in Prattsville, and when I got there at 4 pm, the fire companies were still there! I couldn't go through as they had hoses going across the road, and with the severe cold, they worried that the hoses would split if anyone drove over them, so I had to make an 11 mile detour "around the block" to get to the other side of the chaos. there was no loss of life, thank God, but the home is a total loss, which is such a shame... terrible for anyone to lose everything, but this place was really cool... it was an old barn, that had been converted into a house, and it was quite the showplace... no one was home, furnace caught fire. actually, the regular carrier on this route is the fire chief... it wasn't exactly the way he planned to spend his day off.... he's going back there now to try to get the equipment back in service, most of the trucks froze up over the course of the day.

when I got home, the thermometer read 8 degrees, but it was so windy... it was brutal. I went to check on the gang, and I lost one of the sheets of flexopane, it was flapping wildly and very windy inside. so I made a quick fix with a tarp, and brought everyone some fresh water and some hot oatmeal. I had 3 eggs, 2 frozen solid and cracked, and one, freshly laid and very warm.

already done lots of other chores too, cleaned the chicks crates, vacuumed, mopped the kitchen floor... just have to make my supper and figure out how to get the dog to pee without freezing solid!

Hello ZH. I'll be your friend. Would you have a pie I could borrow or need help counting your mealies?

ZH that's Roger (the barred rock in front) she's always willing to help out. you'll see her around a LOT (don't let her count she will want you to pay. [meal worms])

Roger is the joke chicken on this thread kind of the mascot. oh and OK I thought she was banned from the computer.

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