Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

PERFECT....Yesterday We Were PERFECT.........DID YOU HEAR US ? ......PERFECT......Thats What Happens When You Mix PIE and SCRATCH.........You Get PERFECT.
Glad your car is okay.
I may have mentioned that someone has taken to laying her eggs in the roosting room behind the tarp (which I am assuming she is responsible for tearing down). Some of the other girls have taken to laying in that area too.
Well, I was so preoccupied this morning I didn't notice someone was missing in the nesting room where I serve FF. I checked for eggs (anyone else get a jolt when they are bent over, turn around, and come eye to eye with a chicken in the nest box?) looked for the bloody girl(s) or boy that is bleeding on my feeder (Red is gone, so it isn't him this time), and tried to figure out when would be best to trim Cadbury's beak.
As I was walking out, I looked at the tarp, and it hadn't been moved, so I assumed there were no eggs back there. Then I decided to look.
Baby the BR was back there!! She said, "What?" I asked, "What are you doing back there?" "Laying an egg!" I thought she may be going broody, and hiding eggs. That is unlikely ... right? Anyway, I asked her if that was it, and she said, "Roger told me to do it!"
Not funny, Roger!
" Momma's Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be ROGER's.". I keep a poster inside my coop on the wall and the heading reads" MEAT BIRDS". The first name on the list guessed it ROGER. She made it off the list so I put a X thru her name. Only to add her name back the next day. Then another X thru her name. Followed by adding her back.....well you get the picture. But she don't have a clue. She thinks its the "HONOR ROLL" ....
Four eggs until I slipped... and broke one. it's spitting little ice pebbles... it is not nice out.

I got Mylee's Easter basket stuff today, she's potty trained now (Hooray!) and she asked for new underpants in her basket (
I always wanted candy...) so I found her really cute panties, and socks and a warm outfit, and the cutest little chick toy that peeps when it sits in your palm, a few other toys and some candy,

they will be here in 2 days!! I'm frankly annoyed about work, I deliberately blocked out the next 2 weeks, no "subbing" in other offices... well... my PM booked me for 4 days next week. I glared at her, but just sucked it up and put in on my calendar. My family might get annoyed, but they will have my big truck to use, and won't be trapped up on the mountain all day if they want to go somewhere... and I should be home by 5 everyday, there's still light for a couple of hours and we can let the chickens out then... make the most of the evenings...

Old BH called today. caught me off guard and got me frazzled. I'm not interested. he just called back again to apologize for calling in the first place...
I do not want to be his enemy, but there is no reason for us to be friends.

little chick is getting little feathers, so adorable, I will have to get update photos tomorrow afternoon! I had a partial bale of straw (in a bag) in the room where Peach and her chick are living... Peach figured out how to get the bag open. there is straw strewn throughout the entire room, and they are happily scratching away. what a mess!
I have news...I hatched three frizzled EE last night. So excited! They are all black and one has penguin markings. I moved them into the brooder tonight. So precious!
aggiemae, also nice to hear from you again too! glad she finally started laying! got any pics of the speckled eggs?

She has laied an egg a day for the past three days and they are getting darker every day! I couldn't find a Wellsummer chick anywhere close by so we have two cuckoo Maran chicks about 4 weeks old, appears that they are the same gender....hopefully hens.
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Cheeka, that totally sucks about work. Your PM deserves the Rotten Egg Award.
You are going to have such a fun Easter. Egg hunt in the snow!
Very interesting about BH calling. Maybe he has boot guilt.
Pics of the chick would be great. Any indication of sex yet? Our little Serama roo has started crowing this week!
It's quite squeaky and makes us laugh. The cockatiel has been setting him off. We've been keeping them in an old guinea pig cage, which is pretty roomy for them. Moving out to the garage this weekend.

Animallover, mine have been slacking a bit as well. Couple of days ago I got 10 eggs again, so only 1 slacker (the Leghorn again!). I'm waiting for my first perfect day.

Lilwanis, congrats on your chicks! Haven't seen a frizzled EE before. You should post on the EE braggers thread. I would love to see picks of what a frizzle looks like at a young age. Still trying to decide if the little chicks that we got are partly frizzled or just messy looking!

aggiemae, cool eggs! I have a hatchery Welsummer whose eggs keep changing shade and amount of speckles. Some day I'd love a black copper Marans for the super dark eggs.

There they are. Very washed out in these pics. Their legs are a dark black. The top one was first to hatch, eyebrows was second, and the middle one was third. I actually got to see her hatch
The first hatched just before DH got home. She was still slimy. Then he took pics of the penguin one as it hatched. There is one more egg in there that I am not sure will hatch, but I will give it another day. I did break the rules and open the bator, then forgot about it for a few hours...oops. I hope it wasn't alive, or if it was, it still is. I got over excited.

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