Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Beautiful pics, Sally. Your place looks lovely.

Ok here goes with alot of pictures of my coop!

In coop facing roosts... They like to lay in the corner behind the water pan.
That corner is really nice and secluded and dark. They can see who's coming in the door before they are seen.

Looking in door and to the right, toward the nesting boxes.
Looks like great size and location. Should work with minor tweaking.

In coop facing the nesting boxes, and feeders.
Maybe a bit too much traffic here. Not good chicken feng shui.
They are exposed to others at the feeders.
Wow lindz, great set up, and with all the work that went into the nest boxes there's no way you should move them. When it comes to laying eggs, I think the chickens are looking for privacy and security. It's sort a vulnerable position to be in, similar to how we feel using the bathroom - don't want anyone walking in on you! So I think if you could just add a bit to the existing boxes to make them more secluded, you will have them standing in line to lay there.

I would partition the boxes so you have three separate nests rather than one large community nest. I would also add a higher lip along the front and maybe close in around the sides of the entry to each nest as well. Gives them privacy, security and defensible space. They always face toward the opening and potential danger.

Play around a bit to see what they like. Think of it as building them a little fort like we liked to hide in as kids. Try using cardboard and duct tape (two of my favorite things) to see what works best (if it works at all) before doing anything permanent. Maybe curtains. At the same time block their current laying site (maybe with some cardboard
), and they will seek the next best spot even if it is new and scary.

This is a view from inside our coop during construction. Each box is private and eggs are collected from the outside through a door that wasn't yet up in this pic.

Here's the view when collecting eggs. You can see how dark it gets in there, even with the window. The chicken door in and out of the coop is under the boxes, so they can see if friend or foe approaches. You've heard of a man-cave. This is a hen-cave.
lindz that is awesome, they might want more privacy though ...possibly a bit higher for the boxes but since they are done already I would try to just give them more privacy....bigger 'dividers' that go all the way up and/or maybe tack up some curtains...I used a piece of old shammy towel and a staple gun and just stapled it along the top. I would try that before making any major adjustments. I know some people use old towels or curtains and slit them so the girls can easily go in and out.

I too am jealous because I am still waiting for the shed remodel ....hahaha one year later.
really nice setup lindz! I'm with everyone else, more privacy... higher dividers and if there is another spot you could put the feeder... it would reduce random traffic.

W4W... love those curved rooflines on your girls nest boxes...super nice...

I have the double nest box in the store bought coop, they hate the divider so I took it out. 3 birds fit at one time... but it's a tight fit, and the same 3 use it just about every day, thankfully it's usually at different times, so it' roomier... I had intended to purchase another double nest box for the other side... this coop can be added on in all directions, but they decided they like the apple coop for laying, all the rest of the girls use it, and so many fit at once... there is a more desirable corner, front right... but the rear right is a close second. no one prefers the left side, but that's probably because the door is in the middle and... traffic...although there usually are 2-3 eggs on the left everyday. the 2 roosts are still in there, but no one sleeps in there. they all cram up on the 2 long roosts in the back of the dome.

I braved the day and let the gang out this afternoon, but I let Royce and Carl stay out with them. after the initial excitement wore off... everyone settled down and spent the afternoon happily foraging. it was nice to be able to relax a little, the boys kept strict watch and kept the girls from wandering too far. I also had Chester out on the nearly 100' run that spans the backyard where many predators emerge from the state land in the back. the bantam cockerels were out, they know how to stay out of the way of Royce and Carl... I stayed close by just in case, and they didn't need me. there were several failed attempts at mating... the little guys are bold, but they are just so darn little... they get ahold of the hen's head feathers and then they ride saddles. I think even Peach is too big for them at this stage... but they are only 14 weeks old or so... maybe 15, I lost track

speaking of Peach... she is still sitting. today is day 23 I think. I've lost track of that now too. but she hasn't rejected them. she did hop up for a drink, all 5 eggs are still there.

11 Eggs today, I think they're done, but it's still fairly early, might get another... gave the handyman 2 dozen as a bonus

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