Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

So I only got 2 eggs today, but look where they were at!!!!!! Extending the dividers up did the trick! And I think the Easter eggs may have helped LOL! Hopefully Bertha will lay in a nest tomorrow, since apparently today was her day off. She normally lays 4 days then off 1.

This is one of my rouges! Would you guess Cockerel? And probably and Austrolope?

Clarabelle inspecting my cleaning job!
Wow, only took a day for them to use the boxes! Excellent.

Yup, the black one does look like a cockerel with those red wattles. Australorps and Jersey Giants look similar to me. Australorps have white footpads and JGs have yellow. (think i got that right)

Is Clarabelle a Cochin? That may be my next type of bantam to try. She is so roly-poly cute.
yes Sally! we mustn't forget Roger's incessant need for edibles! anyone remember this day?

I remember it well. And I didn't make that up. It was one of the cheap plastic type bags that rip from top to bottom when they finally start to tear open. The stuff you learn about chickens (Roger) As for the poem it's one of my favorites.
Yes Sally I got the hatching eggs from the same guy. I am really impressed with the one Delaware survivor (rooster) that hatched from his eggs. The rooster is around 12 weeks old and huge. Probably the best looking bird I have (besides beautiful ROGER). Had to get that in or there will be hell to pay. I expect a much better hatch this time. My inexperience and the lack of a suitable place for the broodies to hatch eggs resulted in only four chicks. One has since died. Much better prepared this time and should get better results.
Gotta Go........The chicken siren volume is at maximum level........malnutrition is setting in.....only the morning dose of scratch can save my poor BR from certain death. (or so she thinks) Sorry Roger it's Sunday and I slept a hour later than normal. I'll call the vet while you are calling PETA.
Yay for broodies, found chicks, on-target eggs, and all-around "happy happy"!

We have positively identified Sneaky Chimi as my cream egg layer, she has apparently laid every day for the last 5, by t we only discovered her stash after she had 3. 2nd positive is my only BO, Roly Poly. She lays a perfect little smooth lighter brown egg with a very pointed small end, we have gotten 2 eggs from her in 2 days. We also have 2 more brown eggs, possibly laid by the same girl, but didn't get one we either have 3 or 4 layers out of 31 and 4 duck hens. Gary (duck hen) has been found in the nest box hoarding bedding several times over the last few days...I swore she was going to lay...she has been in a semi-trance with her wings twitching and her tail fanned out...

Wow, only took a day for them to use the boxes! Excellent.

Yup, the black one does look like a cockerel with those red wattles. Australorps and Jersey Giants look similar to me. Australorps have white footpads and JGs have yellow. (think i got that right)

Is Clarabelle a Cochin? That may be my next type of bantam to try. She is so roly-poly cute.

I was surprised that they took to the boxes immediately after we extended the dividers! YAY!!!! As for the Cockerel, I will never know what color his foot pads are because I couldn't get close enough to catch him if it my life depended on it.... But if he is for certain a roo, he may have to go bye bye, cause he is already mean to the other chickens!!!!!

W4W, Clarabelle is a Cochin, and she is adorable! She is the smallest and she waddles everywhere! I will try to get a video sometime! I love my Cochins! They are very mild mannered, and although my older girls are flighty, when I do touch them or pick them up (not often) they don't make a fuss like the other chickens will.... And they have the softest, fluffiest feathers I have ever touched!
Gotta Go........The chicken siren volume is at maximum level........malnutrition is setting in.....only the morning dose of scratch can save my poor BR from certain death. (or so she thinks) Sorry Roger it's Sunday and I slept a hour later than normal. I'll call the vet while you are calling PETA.

Morning All, and lindz w4w is right about the foot pads..only way to tell them apart...I could only tell them apart by their feet until they got bigger and my jg just has a puffier look to her the australorp looks a little leaner...also the white dot on the tail.

Happy Saturday :)
I want to see more pictures of everyones babies!
Anyone making pie lately?
Spy, the bantam OEGB roo is attacking me. All these big roosters ( 8 LF) and he is the only one. Kinda funny. I have swatted him away (he is too tiny to kick!) and carried him around. I will let him "grow out of it" as long as he doesn't manage to fly up. I also have some girls getting mad at me. They bite my hand when they can. I think they are just hungry. I haven't paid much attention to the "when". Now that there is more room, I am hoping everyone calms down.
I am also wondering what happened to my egg numbers! Everyone here in the East knows it has been cool (too cool! My fruit and vegetables aren't growing well) so it is not the heat. In the spring I was getting perfect days. Now about half.
Here are my breeds:
3 EE one is the Cross beak, and just came off a brood, 2 haven't laid since April
1 Ameraucana hasn't laid in a week, but she may be stressed with a change in her pen
2 BCM, laying okay for Marans, but I had been getting 2 eggs daily. That changed a few months ago
1 Bantam Cochin laying
3 Partridge Rocks Must be laying. Most of my chicks are theirs
2 BR I know one is laying at least
HOLY CRAP! I just tied my hair into a bun/knot!
2 Golden Buffs/red sex links I assume they are laying
2 Jersey Giants IDK
1 Columbian Rock Cross is laying
4 Leghorns are laying
I have seen a few smaller brown eggs that may be pullet eggs.
3 White Rock

That is 23 eggs I should be getting. My best last week (since new layers began) is 15. My average is 13. So, why the bad numbers when they were so great a few months ago?
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isn't it weird Sally? unseasonable chilly and rainy weather all through June, a horrible 9 day heat wave in July and once that broke, it has been more like Autumn weather...???!!! What happened to Summer? the Dog Days of August??? I've been wearing a hoodie sweatshirt! don't get me wrong, the chillier temps do make for excellent sleeping... but this is crazy...

I, too, have been averaging 11-15 eggs daily. I've not got anything to complain about, plenty of eggs as long as I get that dozen a day (or close to it)... I know that they are all healthy, and they all lay roughly 4 eggs each per week, maybe 5... which is fine, casual, laid back birds...should lay longer as the years pass

hatching hasn't happened. the tiny peeps I hear belong to the smaller of the Marans chick... I have to say the eggs are duds. but she's still sitting on them. today is day 25 I think... I have to check the calendar. Poor Peachy... I'm not sure why she hasn't kicked them out.

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