Should I buy eggs or wait it out?


I am not waiting for eggs or all ready. Eggs get here tomorrow.
cool Sally! Peach is already pulling breast feathers. she's going to want to sit again. I don't want her to. we'll see who wins.

we had an awesome hike and a fabulous picnic! one of the hard boiled eggs got mashed up in the basket, so we threw it into the woods near where we were sitting. then we watched a bird come back time and again to fill up and fly off. must have babies to feed... and we saw a couple of ants carrying off bits of whites

Mylee claims this sign reads: "We can come back tomorrow and bring another picnic with French Fries!"

that is a sheer unobstructed drop off... but she was really good. then she got to meet some great dogs!

our picnic, there are polenta cakes, boiled eggs, cucumber slices, green and red grapes, blueberries, cheeses and crackers and bananas. we ate it all.

Mylee used lots of problem solving skills to navigate the trail, she's very clever... it was her conversation on the way down that was the most astonishing. She's not been brought to Church or taught religion outside of who lives in Heaven, like her Mom. so on the way down, she said she missed her Daddy, so we talked about calling him when we get home. then she started talking about her other Father (she said father, not daddy) and how she missed him too. I didn't know who she was talking about so a little encouragement brought out this: my other Father lives in Heaven. he takes care of my Mommy, and it makes a triangle, it's a triangle for me and my Mommy and my Father. it's time she starts to learn about Jesus and God. clearly, she's ready.
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cool Sally! Peach is already pulling breast feathers. she's going to want to sit again. I don't want her to. we'll see who wins.

we had an awesome hike and a fabulous picnic! one of the hard boiled eggs got mashed up in the basket, so we threw it into the woods near where we were sitting. then we watched a bird come back time and again to fill up and fly off. must have babies to feed... and we saw a couple of ants carrying off bits of whites

Mylee claims this sign reads: "We can come back tomorrow and bring another picnic with French Fries!"

that is a sheer unobstructed drop off... but she was really good. then she got to meet some great dogs!

our picnic, there are polenta cakes, boiled eggs, cucumber slices, green and red grapes, blueberries, cheeses and crackers and bananas. we ate it all.

Mylee used lots of problem solving skills to navigate the trail, she's very clever... it was her conversation on the way down that was the most astonishing. She's not been brought to Church or taught religion outside of who lives in Heaven, like her Mom. so on the way down, she said she missed her Daddy, so we talked about calling him when we get home. then she started talking about her other Father (she said father, not daddy) and how she missed him too. I didn't know who she was talking about so a little encouragement brought out this: my other Father lives in Heaven. he takes care of my Mommy, and it makes a triangle, it's a triangle for me and my Mommy and my Father. it's time she starts to learn about Jesus and God. clearly, she's ready.

Ummm... That's how I read the sign! What do you THINK it says?
Ethel is missing. My husband and I searched the yard, can't find her or any signs of her. I am thinking hawk. At first I thought maybe she went wandering into the garden and then ate too much and didn't want to jump the fence, but I don't see her anywhere.

She followed me in the garden earlier today through the gate. She is always sneaking up right behind me and usually comes right to anyone who comes outside. We keep looking out to the coop, but no sign of her. I know the risks of letting them free range. I had seen a hawk last week and since I didn't see it again I left them out alone. My fault completely if she doesn't come back.

I have both incubators running, I am going to change the temperature on the manual one, as a second thermometer is reading 97 degrees. Should I bother?
Thanks Cheeka, its sad because I love her a little more than everyone else I think, but that is mother nature right? I was kind of surprised though because I expected if that happened that the other girls would be hiding or acting funny. No they sat in the middle of the yard when I went out and seemed to be acting fine or in their normal business areas.
I really need to count bodies tomorrow. I heard the hawk before they sounded the alarm. They are in a run, but there is a 6X3 (or 4) section not covered. It was one of those "I will get to it tomorrow. Tomorrow. Next week. Tomorrow..." I went out when I could hear that it was REALLY close. I covered the hole, gave the girls some scratch, and waited around for a few minutes. Feathers are abundant due to molting/over mating/new members to the gang.
Sorry about the losses. Keep the girls in for a few days (so the hunter doesn't come back for another meal). Free ranging does have its risks, but you know it has plenty of benefits too!

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