Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Quote: Lovely coop I am jealous

Congrats on the egg!

Looks Like He Got A Deer !!!!!...........Everybody start pulling feathers out.
AWESOME! Congrats OK
mmmmm.. venison stew, summer sausage yum!!!
jchny, you have quite the menagerie there! What's the deal, though. No peacocks? No emus?

A light dusting doesn't sound too bad, but the temps make me cringe. We are still getting a bit of summer squash and tomatoes! That will end with the first frost, whenever that comes. Wish we had gotten a light dusting of RAIN or any rain at all! It was our big chance and no rain in the forecast. We are waaaay behind for the year.
here is my grandsons bunny, he is saying hello to chicken we got from side of road, fell from a truck taken him to be reproduces to a roaster, we kept him for about 3mths but got so fat could not walk, our bunny is a sweet heart, here is our baby midnight with granddaughter, he is a good dog with kids, she dances with him and he never yells loves being played with like that. the coop we have had for over a year and chickens love the room they have to move around, 2 of our peeps will not leave the coop, I put corn on the ramp and they came out to top oh ramp then run back in, can not get them to come into the run.

et heart

He is just gorgeous!

8 eggs today! Almost a perfect day, if you consider that only one of the EE girls is laying I think!
6 of the G.Comets laid, Clarabelle laid and an EE laid! That is the most eggs we have ever gotten in one day! GO GIRLS!!!!!!!

Rogue is still limping, and I can't figure out why.... I didn't see or feel anything wrong. It has been several days, and I am wondering if I need to do something about it? Clarabelle and the chicks finally ventured almost up to the house... The comets will come up on the back porch if we aren't careful!
I took them a "pie" this afternoon made with home canned tomatoes, a little hamburger grease, and baby cereal that my daughter won't eat anymore, plus some garlic and red pepper flakes for good measure. This was about 1 , and when I went down to feed a little bit ago there wasn't any left. It must have been yummy! Tonight is supposed to be the coldest night so far... and snow flurries are possible.... I am not ready for this yet

WOOHOOO!! Awesome day, good job girls!
If I see a limp, or other injury I have a Large dog kennel inside my utility area in the coop. They go into it and stay until it improves.
This way they aren't alienated, everyone still sees each other. Geese will forget and its really bad when you re-introduce.
I just had a goose injure herself about a month ago, and only know it looked like her foot got caught, and she pulled free.
I heard her panic honking and found her out in the open field by the barn. Scrapes on the top and bottom of her foot.
It swelled badly and I just watched her close for infection. Tried to apply cold compress for the swelling a few times a day.
She was finally walking normally 3 weeks later, just a slight limp. I just let her go back with her flock last weekend.
jchny, you have quite the menagerie there! What's the deal, though. No peacocks? No emus?

A light dusting doesn't sound too bad, but the temps make me cringe. We are still getting a bit of summer squash and tomatoes! That will end with the first frost, whenever that comes. Wish we had gotten a light dusting of RAIN or any rain at all! It was our big chance and no rain in the forecast. We are waaaay behind for the year.
OOPS-hehe... 3 peafowl, 2 IB (Indigo blue) 1 pied

1 dog, Sadie, a pug & Chihuahua mix. 1 new bunny this weekend, her name is Hitler....
She is a California white. Yes, going to raise bunnies again

She was a "pet" my youngest DD just had to have. Well, she is a physco attack bunny.
DD found out after it killed her little boy bunny that Hitler has struck 2 other times.
Soooo I am her 4th owner, and she will work nicely for our 1st breeding doe.
Yep, adding rabbits to our livestock.
Emus- I really considered them! The fencing would just be too expensive.
Birds a foot taller than I am is maybe a little past my comfort zone

If we do get cows, I will be rethinking them tho

ETA wow, that stinks on the rain! I am envious of the squash I love yellow chopped up and added to stew, or deep fried.
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Thanks for the advice jchny!!! And I love all your animals. I might have to pick your brain with the piggies. We're hoping to raise a couple of batches every year. No more than 5 at a time tho to keep the health dept away (I love my town....we're zoned agr and the zone says we have a right to farm and buzz off if you don't like it). I also want cows but with only 6.6 acres it'd be tight for even 1. I'm thinking miniature highland tho. I could prob support 2 at a time with a rest period for field between batches. Ahhhh my dreams are bigger than my property. I don't ever see myself leaving jersey for someplace else so I'll just make it work!

Nice count Lindz! Hope you have another good day!

OMgoodness girl camp for a second I thought the dog was also a pic of the rabbit! I was saying "that's one huge bunny!!" Lol
I am joining the egg watch. I have 19 week old chickens. No eggs yet. A mix of different kinds buckeyes, domoniques, delewares, BO, BLRW, slw, anacona, and EE. I am on post #720 trying to catch up. Maybe I will have eggs by the time I do! Anxious. Not sure if my eggs will be delayed due to time of year? Any advice? Enjoying the forum so far!
Vindi! and Welcome to the thread and waiting... as far as Spring pullets go, they will lay when they're ready, and it will depend on each one as to when that will be... but once they begin, expect it to be sporadic at first, it will become more regular after about a month or so, then you should be getting maybe as many as 15-16 eggs everyday - each day will vary some... but they should lay consistently despite the season for their first year. you won't experience a drop in production until next Autumn.

make sure they are getting layer feed at this point, or at least supplement oyster shell and some protein if you need to finish a bag of "finishing"/"grower" feed... don't be disappointed if you don't get eggs for another 2 months... some breeds won't start until they are closer to 24-28 weeks old. Can't wait to see pics of your first egg(s)!
speaking of eggs... I got 3 today. from my newest trio of layers - the Maran's and white EE.

so I made the big move today. I brought the 4 Cochins, Peach and Sillie Silkie Sue, and the bantam Marans Esther into the dome. there was a bit of a scuffle with the dominant girls chasing the Cochins, but it stopped really quickly. there was no scuffle when I brought Peach in. more suprisingly, no scuffle when I brought Silkie in. I put her with Peach on a roost, but they both hopped down and ... nothing!

Peach's 2 boys, bantam Marans, Samson and Gilgamesh were left in the broody pen and I brought the 5 bantam boys who live together over to them. Samson chest bumped Rhody, but Red stepped in, and I stepped in... by the time I was finished moving feed bowls and waterers around... all the boys were roosting together, they are so cute! it will be so much warmer for those boys... the only job I have left is to consolidate the space for the remaining 4 LF boys who live in 2 pairs. I will move pen walls, give them 10' x 5' x 6' spaces for the winter, so I only have to wrap one section. yes, it's a smaller space, but it's still plenty large, and it will be easier to keep warm and dry. temps are still low, but it's dry, and not too windy. one more chilly night for them... temps go back up tomorrow and stay in the 50's for a week, but I'll have their pen reconfigured and wrapped by Friday. I'd like to believe I can get it all done tomorrow, but I know I have extra work for the next 2 days and may not get home much before dark.

so, the dome seems a bit crowded with 30 birds inside. but there's 2 tiny bantam roosters who (together) barely equal a half a chicken (Dutch and Brutus)... and 3 other bantams (Peach, Sillie and Esther) - putting all 5 together and they barely equal 2 chickens... and at roost time, all were cozy and there are still two 8' roosts that are empty. I added another feed and water station - now there are 4 of each. I don't expect to have an issue with birds not being allowed to eat or drink... I plan to be up and out at the crack of dawn to make sure tho'...
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Carl hasn't been processed yet - my friend did come up to visit over the weekend, but he didn't do it...
I'm not sure when now... so annoying, I want to get it over with.
Welcome Vindi!

Cheeka, it sounds like you have been busy moving everyone! Hopefully everyone gets along and the moves continue to go smoothly!

I only got 4 eggs today, but after the whopper number yesterday I was expecting a low day. 3 of the G.Comets laid and one of the EE girls laid. Clarabelle took the day off.

Today has been a hard day for me. A year ago today, I lost my grandfather. He was my rock, and I have been a wreck today... Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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