Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Yes, buy eggs.
DH and I eat them for b-fast "every" day, we all have them on most Sundays, plus we bake.
Once we're getting enough eggs to cover b-fast, we'll adjust our egg use in our baking.
Nice cake, Lindz. Happy Birthday to your son!
Okay, so no uniforms, and stained undershirts are not frowned upon. I don't have to like how trashy it looks, right? Not the hot guy I saw wearing the jeans. He was clean. And I was so dirty!

Ha ha! As for the lack of mail, I am constantly missing mail (bills are most noticeable along with holiday checks sent, but not received) but a month ago, I stopped getting my free weekly newspaper on Fridays (or any mail at all). Sometimes I get it on the following Monday. Mail is supposed to come 6 days. I am now missing Wednesday, Friday, and most Saturdays. PO swears he delivers all mail he is supposed to. So who is eating my mail, and why do I not see him in my area on those days? <sigh> I pay bills online now. Ha ha. Living in the middle of nowhere is hard for this city girl.
On another note, I was surprised to find a 2-day total of 18 eggs today! That means I am back up to an average of 9/day. I will be able to collect daily again now. Maybe the extra eggs are because I gave them celery yesterday. Tomorrow they get pumpkin pie!
I had to turn away a customer today - if I sell the few that I have, I'd have to buy some! and since all the chicken keepers i know are in the same boat as me, ugh, i won't buy from the store. although - there is Pebble's family, they have white eggs!
Nice cake, Lindz. Happy Birthday to your son!
Okay, so no uniforms, and stained undershirts are not frowned upon. I don't have to like how trashy it looks, right? Not the hot guy I saw wearing the jeans. He was clean. And I was so dirty!

Ha ha! As for the lack of mail, I am constantly missing mail (bills are most noticeable along with holiday checks sent, but not received) but a month ago, I stopped getting my free weekly newspaper on Fridays (or any mail at all). Sometimes I get it on the following Monday. Mail is supposed to come 6 days. I am now missing Wednesday, Friday, and most Saturdays. PO swears he delivers all mail he is supposed to. So who is eating my mail, and why do I not see him in my area on those days? <sigh> I pay bills online now. Ha ha. Living in the middle of nowhere is hard for this city girl.
On another note, I was surprised to find a 2-day total of 18 eggs today! That means I am back up to an average of 9/day. I will be able to collect daily again now. Maybe the extra eggs are because I gave them celery yesterday. Tomorrow they get pumpkin pie!

If celery works, then I'll try that!!!
I can't give my chickens pumpkin pie, even if it did last long enough to make it that far down the food chain in our house. lol
Nice cake, Lindz. Happy Birthday to your son!
Okay, so no uniforms, and stained undershirts are not frowned upon. I don't have to like how trashy it looks, right? Not the hot guy I saw wearing the jeans. He was clean. And I was so dirty!

Ha ha! As for the lack of mail, I am constantly missing mail (bills are most noticeable along with holiday checks sent, but not received) but a month ago, I stopped getting my free weekly newspaper on Fridays (or any mail at all). Sometimes I get it on the following Monday. Mail is supposed to come 6 days. I am now missing Wednesday, Friday, and most Saturdays. PO swears he delivers all mail he is supposed to. So who is eating my mail, and why do I not see him in my area on those days? <sigh> I pay bills online now. Ha ha. Living in the middle of nowhere is hard for this city girl.
On another note, I was surprised to find a 2-day total of 18 eggs today! That means I am back up to an average of 9/day. I will be able to collect daily again now. Maybe the extra eggs are because I gave them celery yesterday. Tomorrow they get pumpkin pie!
glad you are getting eggs, we are still waiting for the rush, have 29 hens but only got 5 today, as for the mail we had the same problem and I called the post office talked to the top guy, then I heard the lady who did it those days was caught going home with mail in car, I am he a small farm town and she got fired, I now get my mail everyday, maybe you should talk to the top guy, you could go and request to see him to and talk in his office.
MC, it's distressing that you're missing stuff... I remember you mentioning that in the past... sometimes the late stuff is just late. the last couple of weeks, the Time magazines that should come on Sat, have come on Mon. stuff happens, but missing gifts, especially cards with checks or gift cards is a huge red flag. bugs me. I should be a Postal Inspector. I wish the thief would always find something so outrageously useless to them that the message would sink in that it's not worth stealing to begin with. sadly, it's easy to tell when the contents might be "good". but someone (not a postal employee...) who stole a package off of one of my customers porch got themselves a nice ironing board cover. bet they don't even know what it is.
Our mail has been weird for a little while now. Less mail than before, etc. Also not seeing the mail carrier's vehicle some days (but we have two or three different vehicles, so sometimes I miss them). IDK.
I'm hoping that everyone made it through the night with the wind storms and crazy tornado's! JC, OK... anyone else in the path, y'all still good? it was seriously windy here, but no damage to the pens/coops, or the wrapping. just my mailbox blew over.

I'm hoping that everyone made it through the night with the wind storms and crazy tornado's! JC, OK... anyone else in the path, y'all still good? it was seriously windy here, but no damage to the pens/coops, or the wrapping. just my mailbox blew over.

I'm hoping that everyone made it through the night with the wind storms and crazy tornado's! JC, OK... anyone else in the path, y'all still good? it was seriously windy here, but no damage to the pens/coops, or the wrapping. just my mailbox blew over.

It was horrible. We need all the help we can get. Scratch, Pie, Bread, Mealworms, would all be greatly appreciated. OK and the house are just fine. No damage

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