Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I know this is a chicken forum, but I thought you guys would appreciate these pictures! Thelma and Louise (Thelma is wearing the pink necklace). It is hard to tell their size, but the chickens are bigger than they are! So far, they are very sweet. The bottle feeding is going well, but getting up in the middle of the night to feed, might do me in!

They're beautiful!!!
I give both. My fruit pie and pie for the chickens like above. The chickens get oatmeal I make just for them, with diced apples I buy for them (or even my apples I feel too guilty to eat) raisins, and usually brown sugar and a splash of milk. I love oatmeal, but make it more often for them.

The dog stays in the truck with my husband for a month or so at a time. I only get to eat the whipped cream myself when he is gone. This past week, the dog really did eat almost the whole can himself.

Would you say no to him?
He is VERY cute!!!


I was brushing my teeth while waiting for the computer to boot up. I realized that I was so tired I actually forgot to get my coffee. When the coffee was ready, I had my (rinsed) toothbrush in my hand. It worked.

I hear ya! I'm tellin' ya; I'd do the same thing and I wouldn't have to be in a pinch to do it. My DD pretends to be grossed out about the things I'll stir my coffee with. lol

Would you believe I feel worse about killing an animal on purpose than finding a dead chicken? I was carrying the body around in one hand while looking for egg hiding spots. I think it is because I could distract myself from the reality.
Yes, I would do the same thing. I know for me it would be able distracting myself from the reality.

Thank you, everyone for caring.
That's what a community is for, Hon!
well I got 7 eggs today, one of them is the crazy shape egg with odd color, it is only 10:00 when I went out so there maybe more this afternoon, a couple of my hens think they are going to set on eggs, this is not a good time to do that so I got bite again.

Oh, 7 is good, right? (How many hens do you have again?)
10 is early; maybe more??? I hope so!!!
3 big eggs and 1 egglet today.
Drizzly all day, but we are supposed to go back to a long period of dry weather again. It will give me time to replace the leaky tarp over the mob's run and clean out the now wet straw.

Cheeka, for those of us who don't use fb, I hope you keep posting your wonderful pictures here.
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I promise that I will - I've got pics all over the place, I have a Chicken Keeping community on Google too... bummer about the wet straw! the broody pen got really saturated a couple of times in the fall, such a mess!
Does anybody know why I cannot use my colors to change the color of my text. I think ROGER (in red) has been messing with my stuff again and used up all of the ink. Can't change the text size either. So ROGER (in red) will be (black) and little roger will be big text in black. I'm all messed up now.

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