Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I really miss blue eggs. The splash EE that stopped last April (after laying for three months) never did start back up again, and Cadbury hasn't given me an egg since her last broody cycle in June or July. Sadly, I really will have to cull the flock (literal meaning, not processing) this spring. Feeding 31 mouths for 14 eggs/day is nonsense. Especially since I want a turkey or two (or three...). Only one BB, while the other(s) will be a Heritage. That one will be sticking around for a year or so. I can't afford that much feed!
Still not 100% about going on the road with the stupid jerk husband. Turkeys may be a non issue.
28° this morning in the coop. Plus as I was getting the kids on the bus guess who was out running around! ? The d*mn huskies! I called the owner and told her so she was sending her husband to find them. Now I am not sure about the chickens today..... We have the run built but there are still several that fly the coop if I don't open the gate and then can't figure out how to get back in. Ugh! I wish I already had the bigger coop finished so they had more room inside and I would just leave them inside.
18* outside, probably about 28 in the runs... flurrying already, but big storm with accumulation coming tomorrow around noon. calling for 8-12". I hope not. but at least I don't have to work on Sunday, so I have time to clean it up. I am not in the mood to leave the house at all...
New EE layer and a double yoker, dog to vet to get stitches from laceration on eye, horse through the fence (no vet attention needed), busy night at work.... Some start to Friday the 13....
I didn't have to unthaw water this morning!
so lucky! Mylee was out playing in the snow the other day, and now it's disappeared... I like your weather, it does get a bit hot, but it's not a humid hot... and the sunshine 300 days a year on average... the waterers here were pretty deeply frozen this morning, about 2 inches of the top and then half inch around the sides. no chipping through that, I tip the bucket on it's head, and stamp on the bottom, it glugs and comes out. I then lay it on it's side, give a light stamp on the side and all the ice breaks and slides out. so far, it's not freezing until the overnight, but it won't be long before I'm hauling water 2-3 times a day.

I haven't seen much of the sun for the past 4 days, and we had a white out blizzard for about a half hour this afternoon, dumped only 2 inches, but it was crazy, could only see about 15 feet in front of me...not looking forward to a potential foot of snow tomorrow...
lol - you wouldn't have liked it lately, snow. Cccccccccccooooooold. Water freezing soon after you put it out. Wind. I think there is a lot of that going around right now.
Whoops, oh I don't mind wintry weather... besides, your snow evaporates much more quickly... the snow that's here now is likely to be added to and added to until I have near 6-7 foot piles along the driveway, gets above knee deep where I collect eggs no matter how much I try to remove. it takes until June for it to all melt - most is gone by May, but along the Pines... where it's shady all day, it takes forever.

this is my house, during an average winter...

this one was taken in April of 2009, we got 8 feet of snow in one day.

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