Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Whoops, oh I don't mind wintry weather... besides, your snow evaporates much more quickly... the snow that's here now is likely to be added to and added to until I have near 6-7 foot piles along the driveway, gets above knee deep where I collect eggs no matter how much I try to remove. it takes until June for it to all melt - most is gone by May, but along the Pines... where it's shady all day, it takes forever.

this is my house, during an average winter...

this one was taken in April of 2009, we got 8 feet of snow in one day.
WoW! That's cool to look at...Very beautiful! I don't know how cool it is to live with though...
lol, it's beautiful, but it gets rough to live with that much snow on a daily basis... and Mylee loves to tell me that she played in the snow in the morning and wore her flip flops in the afternoon...
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I got home early, took care of the flock, had no eggs by 3 in the afternoon, meant to get back out, but was lured to the couch by Ruby, Chester and Hershey the Cat... I had a lovely, very warm... nap and woke up at 6. so I have to take zero for the day...
Is there a "basic" way to start a snow blower? I am supposed to do something with a cord to make it start, then ...? Seriously, anyone know what I am talking about?
Ugh, I used to, then we got a big tractor with a front end loader and a big blade on the back.
Its like a pull cord for a lawnmower? But then what makes it go i don't remember anymore.
If its wet snow they don't work as good I remember that much!
Getting -0- eggs, even the pekin are on winter break now.
I don't blame them, its awful bone chilling windy and just miserable. Temps below zero 2 nights so far.
We are doing 2 water changes, sometimes 3 a day.
I have a lot of eggs frozen and saved from summer for baking at least, but I had to buy store eggs today

Dad went to the hospital Wed for tests, and they discovered his kidneys are not working well.
He was kept until today due to being dehydrated! His tests went well, and he is on the list for a valve now.
2 more tests then meet with the Dr the 24th. Big changes and no more coffee!
His doctor has discussed the possible need for dialysis soon if his numbers don't improve
MC, probably need to set a choke, or throttle to cold, pull the cord, hopefully it fires, adjust choke or throttle so it stays running, (turn up if it sounds sluggish, down if it's revving high) then you should have a thin bar over the handles that will need to be held down to activate auto forward motion, and the actual snow thrower - or you may have a switch for that... depends on the model. I hate my walk behind snow thrower, it drags me all over the place... but my tractor didn't want to start yesterday, so I may have to use it.
Hecate, you can't get any redder. It's time. Pop out an egg, already. Hattie, I know you are bonkers and confused on the issue, but you are a pullet, not a cockerel. Think eggy thoughts. I want Christmas eggs.

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