Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Um, how long can you make a dozen last? The breeds in your list are not know for maturing quickly, so you may have a longer wait than you want.
At least you have a source for farm eggs, and you can wait here with us! If you have some pictures of your pullets, we can test our prediction skills.
Oh, I've basically given up on them ever making my breakfast. They're just our pets that live in the backyard and eat the leftovers and love refrigerator clean out day.

I'll try to get new photos of them soon. Based on my palpation of their pelvises, some should lay... soon, and some should lay... not so soon. :)
Yeah...speaking of the hawk. I was out lounging in my chair while the girls had some supervised range time and the darn thing swooped right through my yard not 15 ft off the ground. The girls didn't even see it. This might be the end of free range time until I stop seeing itt hanging around.
Hopefully, it is just passing through. Do hawks migrate for the winter?

TWO!!!! Rumples laid again. What a good crippled hen she is.

It is my guess that Jemma will be the first pullet to lay. Her comb is getting red and I tried to get her to squat, but she just got low and ran away. She seemed more interested to see if I had a treat in my hand. MoM + hand = food.

The girls seem to be giving us just enough eggs to get us by. Good thing, because I cannot stand the thought of buying and eating store bought eggs. Funny though... there are those people who creep out at the thought of eating a fresh healthy backyard chicken egg.
Yay rumples!

Mine have perched on my shoulder but I don't like them near my eyes. Heard of too many eye injuries. Nice looking birdies! You might have another 4 weeks on some of those...eek. my ameracaunas are going to be 23 wks or so before they lay so I feel you pain!
Yay rumples!

Mine have perched on my shoulder but I don't like them near my eyes. Heard of too many eye injuries. Nice looking birdies! You might have another 4 weeks on some of those...eek. my ameracaunas are going to be 23 wks or so before they lay so I feel you pain!
Yeah... Waffles, the one on my shoulder, has gotten my eye, my teeth and my lip before. I just try to be more cautious now; I don't want to discourage her from climbing up!

You have some very pretty girls. My girls do the same thing...they will get on my shoulders and if I sit down in my chair, several will jump in my lap. Don't you just love it!
Waffles & Bacon, the EE that's directly in front of me, were in my lap this evening - just no photographic evidence! :) One of my Brahmas, Scrambles, will hop up and let me pet her. She's my lap cat chicken. :p

The funny thing is that I am deathly afraid of birds... terrified. But my girls? No way. I love them. I think about them all of the time and I can't wait to get home from work to see them.

Hashtag crazy chicken lady.

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