Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Terrible, but here are the gals this evening during treat time.
Pretty girls! I don't see any wattles on you Brahmas even though they are red. My money is on your EEs laying first. Green eggs first!
But not for a while yet.
Yea, you really have to watch the eyes. One of my girls was on my shoulder and pecked me in the eye...really hurts. I am now really cautious when they are near my face and usually wear a pair of glasses to give me some added protection.
You won't be so thrilled to have them on your shoulder the first time they poop down your back!
And in the winter, greeting you feet first with mud and poop all over is no fun. Voice of experience talking here.
Using people as a roost was strongly discouraged when I kept having to change my shirt every time I went in the chicken yard!
My Rumples laid her first egg at 26 weeks. She is Ameraucana. My EE was about 24 weeks old. Since I am old, I cant remember how old Smoke or the RSLs were when they reached POL, but it was sooner than later expected. 2-3 more weeks before Nugget and Jemma reach POL.
Mine are 21 wks as of yesterday. I think the ameracaunas will be 23-24 when they start...just a guess.

Penny was...what...19 weeks I think. I think she laid her first one on her 19 wk birthday. Wilson missed her 21st week birthday by 1 day for her first useful egg. She and Maggie have had FULL DARK combs for a month so I'll never go by that again! Some of my ameracaunas have REALLY red faces but I know better. They can't fool me.
Pretty girls! I don't see any wattles on you Brahmas even though they are red. My money is on your EEs laying first. Green eggs first!
But not for a while yet.
Are they supposed to have distinct wattles? Most of the photos I've seen, they don't really have much of one... And yes, if I had to bet, I'd say that Bacon, my EE, will be the first to lay, but I'm not expecting much out of her for a few more weeks either.

I think the ee will be first as well. Maybe 3 weeks for that one. Have you read my insane egg watch play by plays? That's the kind of thing we expect.
I have not read the egg watch play by plays, but intend to do so in the near future, as my interest has been piqued.

You won't be so thrilled to have them on your shoulder the first time they poop down your back!
And in the winter, greeting you feet first with mud and poop all over is no fun. Voice of experience talking here.
Using people as a roost was strongly discouraged when I kept having to change my shirt every time I went in the chicken yard!
Already been there & done that. I have specific chicken apparel that goes to the run now; I learned my lesson when I had on a $120 pair of jeans that got poopy chicken prints all over them.
Welcome rottenflower!!! If you have about a month of free time go back to the beginning. Many of us got hooked by the antics of Rodger the thread mascot and read THE WHOLE THING!!
Ohhhh my Ameracauna are 18 weeks tomorrow! It's always a milestone for me now to reach 18 weeks. But they are very pale still so I think I have at least 6 wks. Unlike the rest of you I don't fondle my chickens privates for bone separation. Would really have no clue what to do ;)! My blue Ameracauna is such a bully tho to the baby polish!! I have such nice chickens except for her.

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