Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

If I get a broody between now and then I might just stick them under her. I'd love to watch one of my girls mother some chicks, and I plan on doing it someday. Just when they went broody before wasn't the right time.
Two from 3 year old hens and waiting for the 9 - 51/2 month olds to get their game plan on. Looking pretty red and half are squatting and I am hearing egg songs from several but nothing yet.

I went out and cleaned out the poop in the coop today. It is a sunny but chilly day. I guess around 32 right now, but real nice in the sun. Rumps nest box had sun shining on it and I was happy to see Rumples off the nest talking to her chicks. She was showing them what to eat, so I tossed in a tiny bit of freeze dried meal worms. Later today it will be PIE for all. I have kale, alfalfa sprouts and spinach for them. The chicks and Rumples will get some scrambled eggs.
DH is in Arizona visiting the kids and grandkids, so I am home alone. :weee
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Hi there, such entertaining reading, I don't usually keep up but every now and then read about 10 pages.My RIR is a beast when it comes to laying! She began in October and has laid a very large egg, sometimes a double yolkier every day except for maybe 5 days since. My barred rock and austrolorp each take one day off per week. Such good girls though. Love them. Motorcycle chick, I once went through a divorce, and it may seem like the end of all that is good right now, but there is an amazing life waiting for you. Get through the divorce, then chase YOUR dreams! You never know what is beyond the next turn!

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