Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

13 today!!

I did the pocket scramble but then it froze so now I have frozen goo in the pocket.

I also did the pocket scramble in my sweatpants and realized if when I felt something cold and wet running down my leg.

Mortie the egg hatching wax the best w the first egg wait a close second.
Ah yes, the old pocket scramble. That egg shouldn't have been stinky after only a week in your pocket, that's strange. Slimy for sure though!

I have not had the pleasure of the pocket scramble but come awfully close. I put some eggs into the front pocket of a hoodie and then leaned up on something. Felt the eggs and was able to avoid breaking them at the last second. The other time was when it was like below zero and this one egg kinda popped as I put it in my pocket. The slight temp change must have sent it over the edge. It was frozen and just on the cusp of cracking and it went when I stuck it in my pocket.

Hi Mortie, yeah the "stink" came from the poop on the egg that I didn't get to wash off........
I make dang sure I don't do that again.....I look like a cop frisking myself when I come in from the checking the boxes. I only have 4 ladies and they are vacationing as of late...with all the cold weather, ice & such.
Hi Mortie, yeah the "stink" came from the poop on the egg that I didn't get to wash off........
I make dang sure I don't do that again.....I look like a cop frisking myself when I come in from the checking the boxes. I only have 4 ladies and they are vacationing as of late...with all the cold weather, ice & such.
Oooooh the poop. Yes. Boy that sounds fun lol.

I agree, chicken hatching mortie was the craziest. I mean waiting for eggs was not NEAR as nerve wracking as when I was hatching. Oh man. I can't believe I want to do that again.
Roger the hen? I tried o go back and read earlier posts in this thread abd only got in the 400's. So funny!

8 - two shy of a perfect day! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE 8, but can we all get it together, JUST ONCE!!!!!!

So glad I haven't done the pocket scramble yet. We have a yellow basket (used to be used for golf balls) that hangs by the gate. My son has been forbidden to collect eggs without the basket. He's notorious for dropping them!
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8 - two shy of a perfect day! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE 8, but can we all get it together, JUST ONCE!!!!!!

So glad I haven't done the pocket scramble yet. We have a yellow basket (used to be used for golf balls) that hangs by the gate. My son has been forbidden to collect eggs without the basket. He's notorious for dropping them!

80% is great!

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