Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

- we'd love to see some pics too!!

turkey is still here. got a new video of his "where are you?" dance. on my Group of Seven page...

I would give him a ride... I was taking down the winter wrap on the back pen this morning and he was heading towards the state land at the back of my property, so I thought maybe he was finally leaving. nope. I've named him The Interloper.
nice pics mykee!

W4W, I didn't. it's too hot and the early news reported record breaking crowds. I can't walk a mile from where I might be able to find a parking spot. I'm having a crazy "intolerance" flare since I got glutened last week. skin is on fire, hives keep popping up, I scratch, they bleed... sometimes, the "itch" is so deep and I just can't take it. I messed with a couple of toes to the point where it feels like i have a pencil between each one.
I couldn't stop thinking last night. I made some notes in my iPhone. I think my notes make enough sense... I hope. I thought you guys might want to try this next year.

Pvc in the garden.

Attach a cross pole every eighteen inches to two feet to mark off plots. Leave a walkway. Drill holes to water plants, putting the pvc hose connector piece on the hose, and attaching the hose to the pvc pipe(Have a length of pvc that you can slide the hose onto). This allows easy removal of the hose to roll up or use for other things.

Add a few arches to allow a greenhouse effect. This can also allow watering from above.
that's a great idea MC - I was thinking about framing up some hardware cloth to lay over garden beds to keep those talons out...

last weekend, I was treated to some Chinese food from our local restaurant. they are such wonderful people, they will make me fried rice without soy sauce, change sauces on dishes from brown to white, or garlic... I'm not allowed brown sauce because of the soy sauce containing wheat... anyway, my friend forgot to ask for that change for the rice. I took ONE bite. that's it. just one. after I swallowed it, I asked. I should have spit it out, still would have had an effect, but not as bad. oh well... too late. now since then, every time I eat even a small amount of refined sugar, it flares really really bad. it took a few days for me to associate the sugar... it's so sad. food holds no pleasure for me. there's always so much risk of cross contamination, if not straight out poison for me that I hardly ever eat out or eat at someone's house... so now, I'm back on a pure elimination diet. fruits and veg are okay, plain meat and fish (with mild seasoning, like onion and garlic powder...) and only at home, prepared in my entirely gluten free kitchen.

today was quite hot and we were treated to a few rain storms later in the afternoon to help cool things off. however, tempers flared, so no amount of cool breeze could undo the happenings. my knuckleheaded cousin took on Wild Tom. I heard the commotion, came to look and there they were, battling! I couldn't believe my eyes! how could a rational, intelligent human adult who claims to be an animal lover destroy such a magnificent creature??? there were feathers everywhere and he was proclaiming himself some kind of "hero" who "put the fear of God" into the poor turkey. please. he pulled enough breast feathers to fill a one gallon bucket, and broke a few fan feathers. poor Tom looks a mess. and his ego was very deflated around me for hours afterward. he danced again after a while, but I was so angry. Bobby was trying to back pedal afterward, blamed the bird and said Tom ran into his truck and that was how he lost all the feathers. huh? I WATCHED him. I made him leave my property. told him not to come back til after dark, when Tom would be safe from further provocation. anyway, he came back to the house hours earlier than I expected, we had another huge fight, but ended up making up in the end. he's such a....

1. Tom has more right to be on that hilltop that we do.
2. we know he's here, we know he only likes me. what are you doing out in the yard, not watching your back?
3. you're right by your truck, why didn't you hop in, close the door, and holler for me? I was only on the other side of the house!

it crushed me to see Tom deflated and scared. I've saved all his feathers. Mylee and I will make something with them. something good, like a dream catcher...

anyway, I've named him Interloper, but after he spent all evening, up until dark, looking in the windows trying to find me... someone I know suggested that Peeping Tom would be a much more appropriate name
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