Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

it could have been a lot worse, I suppose. but still. ugh.

such a shame. his fan was perfect.

so, I ranted on my community page, but I left his name out of it. after we ended the fight, he asked if he was in trouble with Group of Seven fans. he is, but they don't know it's him, notice a comment about the horrible b@$t@rd who did it. that's him. but don't let on. it's better this way. and my comment in reply was good.
Ohhh poor tomtom. Hope he grows new feathers soon to bring back his beauty... we're glad you were there and stopped the battle between them. I imagine tomtom could have lost more feathers if you did not hear the commotion
Kind of makes you wonder which one is the real bird brain.

Testosterone must be a terrible burden to bear, but still...
it was just my cousin's wounded ego and lifelong habit of fighting back. I wouldn't let him from the get go... so he took his opportunity. Initially, he was actually proud of himself! he has since come to realize that he was the most irresponsible. Peeping Tom is still here... so...

and apparently... I can keep him if I want to. I was certain there would be some illegality surrounding it. but making sure was essential, as Mrs Nosy across the street and her litigious husband know he's here.
I thought it was illegal to keep him too. Are you going to get some turkey hens now? Narragansett are the most pure.
I am feeling pretty good today. Property taxes haven't been paid since 2012. It's actually worse than that, but anyway. Today I am completely caught up on the taxes. Four days past the discount for 2015, but it is done, and I'm relieved!
An email I received from Dish had me calling them again for Internet. I have gone through a lot of rejection the past two weeks (they keep saying I'm too far out) and miraculously I was told there was an opening on the network for me to get internet. More issues had to be dealt with first, including getting disconnected. When I called back, I simply told the woman that I was not having luck with getting straight answers from them. She then connected me to Jason. Oh- my- gosh!! He must be their secret weapon. No woman can be upset when he begins speaking. His deep voice had me blushing, and I forgot all about the run around I'd been getting. So I don't know why the email said they had Internet for $14.99, and I don't know a lot of other things. I know I finally have internet as of tomorrow morning, and I know I'll be asking for Jason if I ever call in again. :-D
MC, I was hoping to lure in some wild hens first... they are around here - I see more hens than Toms any day of the week... and I saw a bunch up in Gilboa... 2 were so pretty, I daydreamed about how I could catch them!

and way to go on the internet deal!
MC, I was hoping to lure in some wild hens first... they are around here - I see more hens than Toms any day of the week... and I saw a bunch up in Gilboa... 2 were so pretty, I daydreamed about how I could catch them!

and way to go on the internet deal!
Make sure he is parasite free.
thanks ron - I would definitely do a thorough health check on him. but I don't think he will stay too much longer. his hormone soaked brain has him a bit confused... my intent is to enjoy him while he wants to be here, but to encourage him to "get with the program" and get back to the woods where he belongs. so if I can successfully call in some hens, he may change his focus from me to them... but it sure has been wicked cool having him around!

it's a bit blurry, but please watch! I so love this guy...

now my Nosy Neighbor is being a pain. apparently, she has called the same wildlife rescue that I've been in contact with THREE times to tell him to come get him out of here! he won't because we've agreed to give him time to "get with the program"

so, tonight... she is hollering for me to come get him... "your boyfriend is up on my roof!" first off... you silly woman... what am I supposed to do? get up on your roof? anyway, he heard my voice and he came back down. he's settled in a maple tree now. then she tells me some jerk is coming at 5:15 tomorrow morning to "take care of him". if he shoots him, I will be so angry. give the poor bird a week at least to see if he returns to the woods. I made her feel bad... once in a lifetime opportunity. never happened before, sure to never happen again... she promised she would cancel the killer. I hate her. I really am disappointed in her I hate her.

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