Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

it's a bit blurry, but please watch! I so love this guy...

now my Nosy Neighbor is being a pain. apparently, she has called the same wildlife rescue that I've been in contact with THREE times to tell him to come get him out of here! he won't because we've agreed to give him time to "get with the program"

so, tonight... she is hollering for me to come get him... "your boyfriend is up on my roof!" first off... you silly woman... what am I supposed to do? get up on your roof? anyway, he heard my voice and he came back down. he's settled in a maple tree now. then she tells me some jerk is coming at 5:15 tomorrow morning to "take care of him". if he shoots him, I will be so angry. give the poor bird a week at least to see if he returns to the woods. I made her feel bad... once in a lifetime opportunity. never happened before, sure to never happen again... she promised she would cancel the killer. I hate her. I really am disappointed in her I hate her.
Tell us how you really feel!

My sympathies on your neighbor situation. I didn't know you had a bad apple nearby, but it seems there's always one. Around here, if someone showed up with a gun and killed an animal near homes, the entire sheriff's department would show up and haul them away. Didn't used to be that way, but much more populated now. And if you don't have your hunting license in order, it's practically a felony. County wants it's money!

I hope the poor guy is left alone. He sure doesn't have a lot of supporters around there.
I made a bunch of calls, worked it out, then called the neighbor. she knows she is not on the popular side of this coin, and let her know that I would bring him down to the Rescue in the morning if I could or as soon as I get home from work. she backpedaled. said she was joking and that he wouldn't be a problem. I never know what to expect from her. I wish I could build a fence around her place... or buy her out... or move away myself. she's a kook.

eta - didja watch the video?????
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I made a bunch of calls, worked it out, then called the neighbor. she knows she is not on the popular side of this coin, and let her know that I would bring him down to the Rescue in the morning if I could or as soon as I get home from work. she backpedaled. said she was joking and that he wouldn't be a problem. I never know what to expect from her. I wish I could build a fence around her place... or buy her out... or move away myself. she's a kook.

eta - didja watch the video?????

glad to hear she backed the h#ll off! I watched the video and left you a comment on youtube! that was awesome!!! In my various places of living, I've had those kind of neighbors.....never happy about anything & always wanting to push their busy noses in other peoples biz! Hang in there and enjoy your wild companion!
Yes, I saw the video on your FB page! Was trying to decide what color gown would go best with his plumage whilst waltzing.
Hope you let him stay around awhile longer. Maybe you can teach him to samba!

Your neighbor sounds like a typical low level bully. Backs right off when faced with reason and good will. It's your best weapon against such people.
I made a bunch of calls, worked it out, then called the neighbor. she knows she is not on the popular side of this coin, and let her know that I would bring him down to the Rescue in the morning if I could or as soon as I get home from work. she backpedaled. said she was joking and that he wouldn't be a problem. I never know what to expect from her. I wish I could build a fence around her place... or buy her out... or move away myself. she's a kook.

eta - didja watch the video?????
oh my god i glad i am not the only one with a kook only mine is a man, he yelled at dh for going over the line to cut our grass, not even the lawn mower wheel can go by, he is out side in 90% cutting along the sides of yard, just to brother us he gets mower out as soon as he sees someone is visiting and runs mower so you can not hear.
so, the saga continues! the wildlife rescuer I've been talking to mentioned he has a wild turkey at his place... I almost asked him to make sure Interloper's not the same turkey... we're not that far apart. well... turns out it very well may be the same bird! he says he hasn't seen his for a few days at least, but he has hundreds of acres and hundreds of animals... he'd been working with him to try to turn him wild - asked me if my turkey hates basketballs... I don't have one to test it out with. he may come up after work to see if he doesn't spot him at home. kookamunga!

I want him to be wild. and free.
Hey y'all! Just an update about Bonnie my 25 wk old australorp mix. She laid her first egg today!!!! I had noticed her comb and wattles looking more red this week and BAM! She was hiding up next to my house next to a straw bale this morning and I thought hmm. Maybe today is the day. An hour later and we have an egg! Patience really is a virtue ;)

aww kdolly, what a precious speckled beauty! congratulations!!

so, lots of drama up here tonight. all down to Mrs.Nosy and her nonstop calls and threats. but she cut her own case down when she told the Rescue place and the authorities that she had been feeding him. how nice of you to lure him on your property only to turn around and complain. seriously, this woman is a complete crackpot.

so... his turkey is not there. his turkey has to be Interloper. he asked me to pen him if possible to keep him safe from coyotes in the event that he declined roosting in the maple, or somewhere I could see him.
I moved Gossy and her pretty well grown babies into the dome and it went as smooth as silk. Interloper is now in the 8x8x4, (5' with the peaked tarp roof) pen... I took the kennel out, gave him maximum space. it's not really big enough, but since it's only for less than 1 day, he's okay. and once inside... he started eating the spilled food the chicks left behind. the guy will be here by 4ish...

I don't even have a log for him to roost on. I feel bad about that...

on a brighter note - my newest Granddaughter was born this morning! only 2.5 hours labor, bless her heart! named Lily, she weighed 8 lbs 11 ounces! Mom is blissfully happy!

and... my new to me car is actually fixed and ready. mechanic will pick me up super early in the morning so I can give him a ride back in time for the start of his day!

bedtime for this bonzo! g'nite**
kdolly, congrats on the new egg! Did Bonnie get some pie?

cheeka, Interloper looks content enough, and the fact that he is calm enough to eat while inside a cage really makes me think he has had previous interactions with people. He is so pretty. Good to think that he will be living wild and passing on his love-genes.
Ya done good, girl! Your neighbor is such a crackpot
, but you deal with her perfectly, taking the high road. It makes her malicious stupidity all that much more obvious. So obvious in fact, that she might even begin to notice it herself! Kill 'em with kindness!
Even though you really want to

Congratulations on your new granddaughter!! Love the name Lily.

Enjoy your new-old car, and bless your mechanic! Hope you have recovered from your one bite of food. That's a terrible thing.

Countdown to house guest! I have three days to get my mess in order.
Which is why I'm spending so much time playing with smileys!

Virtual chores are much more fun!

Been laid up with my crummy back for a while, so hope it can withstand some strenuous activity. (If I ever get started!!!

My poor Leghorn, Biscuit, is fading. She's still with the flock, eating and getting around, but is really slowing down. I think she has internal laying. Her legs are set much wider now and she is a lot heavier, comb is very floppy and darkish. I think it's time. sniff
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