Should I buy eggs or wait it out?


This pic sort of shows the proximity of the hive to my house. It's a progressive pic from our patio we did this summer but you can see the hive in the background
A wasp trap this time of year would probably have little effect. For every one I can catch there are 1000. I am going to help the bees fight them until mother nature finishes them off, which will happen any time now I think.

I released her highness yesterday. I poked the cork out of her little cage which i can show you a picture of and aimed the hole between two frames and she walked right out. Hopefully she is in there laying eggs. Normally they don't lay eggs where I live this time of year but I'm hopeful she knows she needs more friends and lays some. I will look in on her once to see how she is in the next few days for my own curiosity and then let it be. Nothing else I can do.
The queen cage in that pic doesn't have a cork in it, it's got fondant in the hole. The bees eat that and release her themselves, slowly. Mine I left her in several days and then just direct released her. Lots of factors involved but normally you want her to spend several days in there until they get used to her and stop trying to kill her before you let her out. In that case you would probably put her in several days iwth a cork and then stuff some fondant in there which takes them a good while to chew off. When I got my bees this spring, They'd been with the queen I got for likely 4 days before I got them so when I installed them I put a mashmallow in there which only takes them a few hours to eat. Slightly more risky. Directly releasing is typically the most risky but in my case it was a good choice.

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