Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Hey all, I'm back from Belgium. :)

Still no eggs from my little munchkins and they are roughly 30 weeks now, I don't mind, it's autumn and I've waited much longer in the past anyway. Selma has begun to moult so I am down to zero eggs per day! :barnie

Anyway, Monica's foot seems to have healed which is good and the puppy is incredibly adorable.

The trip to Belgium was amazing, it was short but great. I mainly went because it is currently the centenary of WWI so I went to visit Ypres, see the graves and trenches for myself. It was astounding and very moving, such a waste of life. :( But I couldn't go to Belgium and not get lots of Chocolate and Belgium Waffles. So I'm fully stocked. The town was beautiful and I will definitely go back in the future.








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Congrats grandma! I would put my guess on RIR, all my BR's lay a paler brown, and the RIR's a bit darker to all the way dark where you'd think she was part Marans... but... it could be a BR, you'll have to catch them in the act... which can take months. still fun tho'.

Min, wonderful trip, and yes, very humbling, sobering. don't forget what you've seen. different war, but I've traveled to Germany a few times. it was on the 3rd trip that the family finally conceded and took me to Auschwitz. there is a lot of shame within German people for what went on in WWII. it's burned in my heart and mind forever.

back to chickens - W4W gave you good advice, I wouldn't worry too much as long as it never gets used again.

Mama Cressa and her babies, I see 2 pullet and 1 cockerel. it will be at least another week for Gossy's chicks to start being sexable.
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We are on a (egg)roll. Started hearing some singing this morning. My RIR in the nesting box. She got out once. I let the other girls out. It took her longer this time. Maybe 5 sets of eyes staring at ya would slow the process down. May consider a curtain or 2 for some privacy.
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I love Jaz to pieces!
After her bath last night, I wasn't even done drying her before she was spinning me around to climb on my back. I only gave her a short ride. I wasn't gonna let her pee down my back!
We were talking to the beagles (hunters are in next door) and she was jabbering to the loud mouthed one. She was pointing at Sturgis, so I think she was telling him that Sturgis is a dog too. Or asking why he was penned up.
She collected the eggs while I checked and filled food and water.
I was doing squats, and she did them along with me!
I have to admit, I just freaked for a second.
I was putting baby lotion on my hands and rubbed the last of it on jaz's forehead. She has a fever! I haven't dealt (alone) with a fever in 18 years!
It's just two degrees (under 100) so no meds needed. I just wish she'd get better soon! She's been sick for about two weeks, and even puked last weekend. The other adults need to be more careful about giving her their germs.
The sunrise is so awesome, and I can't capture the colors with my cellphone. Don't even ask where my camera is. Not many of us use them anymore.

This one makes me emotional. It's like looking at a memory of better days. Not sure why I feel that way.

I imagine your sunrise was similar to mine - she looks amazed at what she is seeing and her joy for you, sharing it with her. she loves you. it's all over her face. precious child. hope y'all have a good day! off to work for me...
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