Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I do but byc doesn't like my phone most days and isn't letting me post pics today. Will have to wait until I can get some time on the computer.
we collected 5 eggs by 9am yesterday.
So I'm at 80% production rate.
Thinking my crossbeak barred rock may be the last to lay. I haven't seen herin the nest at all. She looks good.
Has trouble picking up food. Itmay take her 3-4 times to get it. Noticed her bottom beak has cracked off some. Figure do to trying harder to pick up off ground.. May do some filing on it
. Hubby wants me to take her to vet to have top beak trimmed back some. Thinking if it was trimmed back even with top of lower beak. she may have better use of picking up
Congrats on the eggs, grandma7! The cross beak will need trimming throughout the bird's life, since she cannot wear down the growth with normal usage. If you have access to an avian vet, it would be really good to have the vet show you how to trim and shape it properly, so you can do it as needed. Although, I imagine there are a few threads on BYC that show how to trim beaks too!
As a matter of fact....! There is a great group (should be in my signature) for cross beaked birds. You can use fog clippers or Pedi Paws. Don't forget about the quick. Don't cut too much. Keep a styptic pencil or corn starch around to stop bleeding.
Wrapping the chicken in a towel is best.
so funny after I posted my last post, my crossbeak. (Named Crisscross by her 3 yr old owner)starting singing, found her in one of the nest. Funny one of the other pullets was singing slong with her on outside perch. She left the nest without laying after 15 mins.
Went out 2 hrs later and found her egg under the coop in the enclosed run.
So now all 6 of my girls are laying. Collected 6 eggs today for 6 girls.
All my girls are 23 wks tomorrow.
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After collecting eggs, Jazlyn went to her picnic table to play. I about died when she climbed into my chair, laid down with her butt in the air and her head through the hole under the arm, just staring in amazement at the leaves on the ground.
Very cute.
Yesterday the dog followed me into the coop, and blocked the chickens from their pie. Tuna, beets, cat food, noodles, raw eggs, bread and some other stuff. He put the beets on the floor, but went to town on the rest. Silly chicken dog!

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