Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I was missing a duck egg, but found it a while later in the middle of the yard. I must say that I don't know when it got there. For some reason, ducks lay their eggs around five in the morning year round. Though I have to chase the ducks back into the run every night lately, it isn't that late at night when I do it! I also doubt that anyone manage to get the egg from the duck box to all the way out there.
The ducklings were out with the flock today. It's kind of a funny story how they got out there, but I don't want to bore you. Everybody was afraid of them! The first thing they did was jump into the big water bowl I use for the ducks when they're free ranging. Well, one jumped in while the others drank. I went to throw out scratch, and the 23 chickens and two ducks came running to me. The ducklings figured out that I was throwing out something interesting, and they came too. Everybody ran in fear, and the ducklings ran along with them! I eventually had to guide them back into the run so I could go in the house. It's funny how when you shut the door, everybody suddenly wants inside. Maybe they are inside more than I think, but I'm pretty sure it was just because the ducklings were in the run, and no one else could get in. I did open another door that the chickens could get into, but until it was time to go into eat supper, no one went near that door. Then the one chick I wanted to take a picture of used it. Grr!
The ducklings are back behind their wall, but I am not sure what to do in the next several days. Though no one will hurt the babies, I'm not sure that the babies will stick with the adults. I do believe that they already know where home is. When I guided them inside the coop so I could let everybody else in, they immediately went into their area.
I have other options, but I'm just not sure what I'm going to do. I don't think I should keep them exclusively inside, knowing how much they love being out. I also don't want to have to pick them up every day To put them into their own little pen. Again, I do have options, I just have to decide what to do.

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