Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I've cleaned and patched her up with Vet Wrap, fed her some probiotics mixed into some scrambled raw eggs and cottage cheese. she's been pooping, there is fresh poop in the pen I moved her to...
I've come to the end of the line. and made a major decision. and put a call in to the wildlife rescue man. I asked him for help by taking the majority of my flock. he said, no problem, he'll take them all.

I'm keeping Brutus, Dutch, Neffy, Gossy, the unnamed broody who has one chick, the 5 other chicks and maybe one or two more bantams. but that's it. I will have to say goodbye to the rest. my health issues are so complicated that I am unable to care for them all properly and it's just not fair to never be able to free range because of my inability to keep up or my fear of leaving them unattended. I have enough fencing left over from the dog's unit to build them a small enclosure so the few I keep can come out.

Wrangler will be mad at me, but she is so sweet and understanding... I'm sure that she will get over my betrayal. I'm so sad with my decision. but it's the right thing to do.

yesterday, I gave up the Foster Clan. 6 birds. my workday ran long today so I didn't wrestle with who's next... spent the afternoon in the yard with the flock. mowed the rest of the lawn, did half yesterday and let the birds out, figuring the loud mower would deter predators. same for today... everyone is safe. anyway, I dared to step on the scale. I weigh 99 lbs. I don't think I have been under 100 since I was like 10 years old. I'm a bag of bones and getting worried, which won't help. I eat lots of fat and protein. good fat... nuts, avocados... lots of low sugar fruits, and some unhealthy fat like cheese. I eat at least 7 times a day, pack food for work... had like 9 bantam eggs for supper, hard boiled, egg salad... didn't really feel like cooking meat. but I did take pork out of the freezer for tomorrow.
hope everyone is enjoying the weather - we finally feel like Spring around here, but we're going to have a frost over the end of the weekend, so no planting til next week...
yesterday, I gave up the Foster Clan. 6 birds. my workday ran long today so I didn't wrestle with who's next... spent the afternoon in the yard with the flock. mowed the rest of the lawn, did half yesterday and let the birds out, figuring the loud mower would deter predators. same for today... everyone is safe. anyway, I dared to step on the scale. I weigh 99 lbs. I don't think I have been under 100 since I was like 10 years old. I'm a bag of bones and getting worried, which won't help. I eat lots of fat and protein. good fat... nuts, avocados... lots of low sugar fruits, and some unhealthy fat like cheese. I eat at least 7 times a day, pack food for work... had like 9 bantam eggs for supper, hard boiled, egg salad... didn't really feel like cooking meat. but I did take pork out of the freezer for tomorrow.
hope everyone is enjoying the weather - we finally feel like Spring around here, but we're going to have a frost over the end of the weekend, so no planting til next week...

Cheeka, I wish so much there was something I could do for you, some way to help. If you can think of anything at all, big or small, I will try to do what I can.
99lbs is not a weight I've seen for over 40 yrs either. Seems almost impossible.... I am putting a lot of hope in that new doctor you found.

I hope you at least are at peace with who your chickens are going to. They are all so beautiful and healthy and well cared for, I'm sure the new keepers will be grateful to have them and take good care.

The pop door did not get closed for the big girls last night! The layers woke my hubs up at 3:30 and he went out to check and found a huge ugly possum in the coop. All of the hens were unharmed, but broody Buster Posey (huge cuckoo Orp) was missing. He found her out in the chicken yard where she had run. Possum must have tried to get her since she's brooding invisible eggs in a box on the coop floor. Thankfully, she wasn't hurt either, just a bunch of feathers scattered and a scrape on her comb probably from bashing around in the dark. They were very jumpy tonight when I gave them some treats in the run, very skittery. And to think I slept through all the excitement! (On the sofa, with my stupid back, under the influence of ibuprofen.) I was only asleep for about 4 hours all night, so figures it would happen then. It's not the first time the coop's been left open all night, but the first time anything has gotten in. I got lucky!!

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