Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Sad news tonight. Went out to lock everyone in for the night and found my little Serama rooster dead in the middle of the path on the way up to the coop. Poor little Mo was just laying there on his side, and one eye had been taken. No other signs of attack or damage. He was stiff, but not completely cold, so it happened late this afternoon. His comb was very dark at the edges, so I am thinking he might have died of natural causes. He was a very small bird, and lately I noticed he was not crowing much at all. A crow or jay must have taken the eye, and the dogs probably chased it away. All 10 of the hens were at roost in the coop.

Mo was a great little rooster, very friendly and took good care of his flock. My boys are so upset. We'll miss him.

I'm so sorry W4W, he was so loved.

we were threatened with snow and hail, but so far, it's just really cold. my folks canceled their June trip to NY because my Mom needs to start acupuncture treatments for her knees. it's important, she's had both replaced and has had a lot of trouble getting up from sitting. last time I saw them, we went to a restaurant and she locked herself in the bathroom, then couldn't get up from the toilet. I'm really sad that I won't get to see them, I was so looking forward to it... it was just about 2 weeks away... and I am now planning a vacation in October, when my friend who is renting the house will definitely be here to take care of the animals. I might have a transfer by then, but it's not likely... so I'm planning ahead to be prepared. Oma and Mylee will be here in less than two weeks, and Oma said she would handle everything and let me go out for 5 days or so, but it's a lot to ask, she's afraid of the roosters, Mylee isn't, but at only 6, she would need help taking care of all of them. Oma said she would ask Handyman to help out, but he moved about an hour away... it wouldn't be easy or fair. we'll see.
I see my primary care doc tomorrow. hopefully, he'll be able to get me into that new neurologist fast. I feel like I'm dying. I need to see my folks.
Ugh! Wish I could help.

I have six (out of 12, but only six were alive at lockdown)new Silver Pencil Rocks!

Two were questionable on health. The one I thought was dead yesterday. It seems fine now!
Cheeka, I'm so sorry. Wish there was something I could do. The doctors will figure it out. You just have to keep demanding answers, which is hard to do when you feel so crappy. Do your folks understand how terrible you are feeling? Think your dad is the same age as mine, and I'm sure it's harder for them to travel too. My dad rarely goes anywhere for more than half a day now. Mylee's Oma sounds like a very nice person. Mylee is lucky to have you both.
Big hugs!
I'm so sorry W4W, he was so loved. 

we were threatened with snow and hail, but so far, it's just really cold.  my folks canceled their June trip to NY because my Mom needs to start acupuncture treatments for her knees.  it's important, she's had both replaced and has had a lot of trouble getting up from sitting.  last time I saw them, we went to a restaurant and she locked herself in the bathroom, then couldn't get up from the toilet.  I'm really sad that I won't get to see them, I was so looking forward to it... it was just about 2 weeks away... and I am now planning a vacation in October, when my friend who is renting the house will definitely be here to take care of the animals.  I might have a transfer by then, but it's not likely... so I'm planning ahead to be prepared.  Oma and Mylee will be here in less than two weeks, and Oma said she would handle everything and let me go out for 5 days or so, but it's a lot to ask, she's afraid of the roosters, Mylee isn't, but at only 6, she would need help taking care of all of them.  Oma said she would ask Handyman to help out, but he moved about an hour away... it wouldn't be easy or fair.  we'll see.
I see my primary care doc tomorrow.  hopefully, he'll be able to get me into that new neurologist fast.  I feel like I'm dying.  I need to see my folks.

Ohh cheeka, I hope your doctor finally figured everything out.... Any ideas of what might be going on. You don't have to answer if you don't want. Thinking of you today.
the argument for the past almost nine year is MS vs Celiac. when they found white matter lesions on my brain, the country docs swore I had been misdiagnosed 25 years earlier with Celiac... and it was MS all along, and going gluten free slowed it down. 10% of MS patients never progress, or at least not for decades... but a great MS specialist says no, not MS, but he doesn't believe in Chronic Lyme, which is a mimic of both MS and Celiac, or that Lyme patients end up with Celiac... studies show that a great percentage of Alzheimer's patients actually have Lyme. they discover this upon their death when their brains are examined. Lyme is a terrible disease. goes back to WWII, Hitler had a scientist perfect the scapularis black tick, to weaken people. the US brought that scientist here, under the guise of operation paperclip, a space program... and put him on Plum Island. just miles from where I grew up and 7 miles from Lyme CT. the ticks were intentionally released. as great as our govt can be, it can't be trusted. it took them decades to reveal that they had indeed done this intentionally. they surely have the cure, but they have no intention of revealing it. they are like wolves, creating sheep. weak sheep.
people are dying from Lyme. I have 28 of the 35 symptoms and still cannot get a clinical diagnosis to get treatment because the unreliable lab test shows negative. I need to spend $700 for special lab work to be shipped out to CA in order to have the more reliable tests done. I just spent $8K on a new furnace, so I don't exactly have it... but I'll rob Peter to pay Paul to get it done.
Handyman found the fencing I need for $300, which is a fraction of what I thought I would have to spend, so I won't have to rob too much and will catch up quickly...
can't wait for my appt tomorrow, give a real push to get into that new neurologist! I'm much better on zero yeast, zero sugar, ultra low carbs... but not gaining any weight, in fact, lost a few more lbs. I look dreadful. and because I have to spend money on so many other things, there's nothing left for new clothes. nothing I own fits. ridiculous.
the argument for the past almost nine year is MS vs Celiac.  when they found white matter lesions on my brain, the country docs swore I had been misdiagnosed 25 years earlier with Celiac... and it was MS all along, and going gluten free slowed it down.  10% of MS patients never progress, or at least not for decades... but a great MS specialist says no, not MS, but he doesn't believe in Chronic Lyme, which is a mimic of both MS and Celiac, or that Lyme patients end up with Celiac... studies show that a great percentage of Alzheimer's patients actually have Lyme.  they discover this upon their death when their brains are examined.  Lyme is a terrible disease.  goes back to WWII, Hitler had a scientist perfect the scapularis black tick, to weaken people.  the US brought that scientist here, under the guise of operation paperclip, a space program... and put him on Plum Island.  just miles from where I grew up and 7 miles from Lyme CT.  the ticks were intentionally released.  as great as our govt can be, it can't be trusted.  it took them decades to reveal that they had indeed done this intentionally.  they surely have the cure, but they have no intention of revealing it.  they are like wolves, creating sheep.  weak sheep.
people are dying from Lyme.  I have 28 of the 35 symptoms and still cannot get a clinical diagnosis to get treatment because the unreliable lab test shows negative.  I need to spend $700 for special lab work to be shipped out to CA in order to have the more reliable tests done.  I just spent $8K on a new furnace, so I don't exactly have it... but I'll rob Peter to pay Paul to get it done.
Handyman found the fencing I need for $300, which is a fraction of what I thought I would have to spend, so I won't have to rob too much and will catch up quickly...
can't wait for my appt tomorrow, give a real push to get into that new neurologist!  I'm much better on zero yeast, zero sugar, ultra low carbs... but not gaining any weight, in fact, lost a few more lbs.  I look dreadful.  and because I have to spend money on so many other things, there's nothing left for new clothes.  nothing I own fits.  ridiculous.

Ohhhh boy, Lyme is tough to diagnosis... I'm praying for you. I went 8 years and still struggle with a mystery illness. I now have the butterfly effect on my face.... I have controlled the symptoms now but still no diagnosis which hasn't helped. It's a horrible losing feeling and I am here if you need me.

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