Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

We talked it over I said this stuffs not free
These pies I make they don't grow on a tree
Hold back if you want thats pretty unfair
Keep your eggs I really don't care
Your really lucky you get everything you need
Treats twice a day with your chicken feed
Scratch and grass treats galore
All of that and you demand more
By the look in their eyes I think they agree
Then guilt took over and got the best of me
I returned to their haven with a pie in my hand
I said enjoy this girls and try to understand
You can't always be perfect no matter how hard you try
So don't insult my intelligence trying to demand more pie

OK's having a festival, a party for "egg"
They've got it all down, no more need to beg.
He has way too many and needs to make space
His pies are all worthy, each one has a face
the party will feature egg creations galore
his waiting is over, no more from the store!
There's tortes and there's omelets and an egg toss for fun
There's meringue topped with chocolate to share with your hun.
There's meal worms aplenty and grubs, crickets too
but please don't you worry, that stuff's not for you
A festival could never be complete with just us,
The chickens must join in or they'll make a fuss.
It's because of these chickens that we are all here
It's their eggs after all that make us all cheer!
You guys are great! That pie face was almost too cute to eat! Kind of looked like a little puppy dog. Now they have to repay you somehow.... I'm sure they'll think of something!

And Okallthis4foreggs must have a huge pile of eggs, getting eight
every day!!! What are you doing with all of them???
You guys are great! That pie face was almost too cute to eat! Kind of looked like a little puppy dog. Now they have to repay you somehow.... I'm sure they'll think of something!

And Okallthis4foreggs must have a huge pile of eggs, getting eight
every day!!! What are you doing with all of them???
I do have eggs galore. I give them to family and friends. I thought since the beginning that "perfect egg days" in my case eight eggs from eight hens in one day would be something that would happen on occasion. But just the opposite has been true for the last few weeks with perfect days happening more often than not. I guess they have reached their prime, the weather,plenty to eat,clean enviroment, and most importantly they get lots of pie.
OK's having a festival, a party for "egg"
They've got it all down, no more need to beg.
He has way too many and needs to make space
His pies are all worthy, each one has a face
the party will feature egg creations galore
his waiting is over, no more from the store!
There's tortes and there's omelets and an egg toss for fun
There's meringue topped with chocolate to share with your hun.
There's meal worms aplenty and grubs, crickets too
but please don't you worry, that stuff's not for you
A festival could never be complete with just us,
The chickens must join in or they'll make a fuss.
It's because of these chickens that we are all here
It's their eggs after all that make us all cheer!
I feel a little guilty with lots of eggs and you still waiting on the first. Its on the way any day now. It will be a great day when it happens. Before long you will have eggs galore too. Hang in there.
waiting on my six rhode island reds to lay.. i got them from the feed store on may 30th of this year and they were already starting to get feathers on their wings, can you tell me how old you think they are and when i should start getting eggs thanks and GOD bless
waiting on my six rhode island reds to lay.. i got them from the feed store on may 30th of this year and they were already starting to get feathers on their wings, can you tell me how old you think they are and when i should start getting eggs thanks and GOD bless
There are more knowledgeable people here but my bet is you will see eggs when they between 18 -22 weeks.
Great poetry cheek a, and great pie too! Your hens look as though they are commenting to each other how wonderful it is. OK has got it down pat now, I scarcely feel needed any longer..but I love to stay! I added a new roost in my coop and rehomed that last mature roo, when I took him to the new coop his eyes bulged out of his head like a cartoon when he saw his new hens. He began to dance for them and they all came over to see, then just pushed right past him...he will have alot of dancing to do! Ha ha. My little orphans handzel and Gretel have a new friend, they are all turning into hens..yea! Wish I could post some pics. I suppose I should change that to hazel and Gretel. At least roosting time is no longer push and shove time now.
Great poetry cheek a, and great pie too! Your hens look as though they are commenting to each other how wonderful it is. OK has got it down pat now, I scarcely feel needed any longer..but I love to stay! I added a new roost in my coop and rehomed that last mature roo, when I took him to the new coop his eyes bulged out of his head like a cartoon when he saw his new hens. He began to dance for them and they all came over to see, then just pushed right past him...he will have alot of dancing to do! Ha ha. My little orphans handzel and Gretel have a new friend, they are all turning into hens..yea! Wish I could post some pics. I suppose I should change that to hazel and Gretel. At least roosting time is no longer push and shove time now.
You can't go anywhere your our chicken coach and your very much needed right here. We will depend on you when hens get broody and when we need more birds. To hatch or to buy ect. So don't go anywhere or i'll send Roger up in the mountains to teach your group bad habits and you will have to shoot them all and start over.

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