Should I find Rooster a new home?


12 Years
Apr 29, 2009
During the spring, I worked in a farm store. I took home a strange little chick that came in, along with 6 other chicks.

The odd one (named Oddball) turned out to be a rooster. I live in town, but thought I could figure something out - I started storing him in the garage at night so he wouldn't wake the neighbors.

A couple weeks ago, he decided he didn't like that anymore, and started trying to stay out with the girls. I started letting him go to sleep out there, and bringing him in later. (was easier to catch him, anyway).

Now he's arguing about that too. So I started letting him stay out, but covering any light sources so he'd sleep in.

He's too small to effectively mate with my hens, but he keeps trying. My turken has a scabby neck from where he grabs on with his beak.

Yesterday he took a run at me - for what reason, I don't know.

He was very sweet until recently, he's smaller than he probably should be, and was sort of a "shoulder chicken". But now, he's kind of a butthead.

I'm considering that I may have to find him a new home.
I base my decisions on roosters entirely on their behavior. They have to treat their girls well, like a good rooster should. No bullying or keeping them from food etc., and they have to be decent with us too. Sometimes that requires you to show them you are above them on the totem pole. He's taking a run at you to try to show you the same thing! When he comes at you, you need to back him right up. Don't put up with it. Sometimes they learn their limits and behave well other times they just are determined to be nasty little buggers. I don't keep nasty buggers! If crowing isn't becoming a problem for you then I might say wait and see how he does as he gets older and you work with him a little. I don't require my roo's to act like pets, although it's nice when they do, but they at least have to be respectful.

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