Should I get a male or female puppy?



Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Jan 4, 2019
My Coop
My Coop
Eventually (which means next spring) I'll be getting a puppy. It will most likely be a Golden Retriever. I'm wondering whether I should get a male or a female? Please help me!
Females are usually less defiant than males. They usually won't test you as much.
It's more about personality than the sex of the dog. An alpha female can be more stubborn in training but can also be more prone to dog aggression. Especially toward other females. There are many rescues that won't adopt a female dog into a home with other females. It can be lessened by getting them fixed, but even spayed females will fight. Alpha males are more likely to back off when the other dog submits.

I'd focus more on the personality of the dog. If this is your first dog, I suggest a dog that is neither too dominate nor too submissive. Super submissive/fearful dogs can become fearful aggressive if not handled correctly. They aren't always the best fit for a first-time owner. If you plan to buy from a breeder, find a very knowledgeable and responsible one that can tell you about each puppy's traits. Don't just pick one cause it's cute or settle for the last one of the litter if it won't be the right fit for you. If you plan to adopt, try to find a foster based rescue. The foster family will be able to tell you about the puppy's personality and how they deal with different things (i.e. small children, other dogs, cats, etc).
unless you are planning on raising puppies, the sex of the pup is not near the top of criteria for me. As it happens we have only female animals at the moment.
Male dogs mark every thing, female dogs go in heat twice a year unless spayed.
Male or Female doesn't matter. What matter is THIS FACE!!!! :loveYou're Welcome. 😍
If I now exactly what breed of dog I want, need ,fits me best and fulfils my expectations then I will:
1-Find a reputable breeder that will have litters available that suits me( not easy and is very case related and some luck related).
2-I will go and see the parents of puppies and breeder before the puppy are born and ask them to go for a routine walk outside with them.
3-if no 2 is not possible or available then I will go and stay a few hours with puppies when they have some personalities showing( around 4 weeks and after) and observe the parents and puppies for a while.
4- If the breeder seems knowledgeable I will ask them to help me pick the puppy that suits me best and I try to notice which puppy shows interest in me while I am there and which one avoids me while I am there.
5- Some breeds of dog have very obvious different personalities between genders but none is better or worse , it is just different. Golden retriever is not one of those breeds.
6- Only then I will think about gender of my puppy if I have some tendency toward male or female dogs.
7- If I picked my puppy and find the breeder skillful I will ask them if they could let my chosen puppy stay with the parent until 12 weeks( a month more than others if they are picked by 8 weeks). In this way the parents have one more months to spend on training their only remaining puppy .
I started a thread a month ago about helping people to choose a breed of dog that suits them most:

You might find some helpful points or even you might want to try to find the most suitable breed for you by answering some questions in that thread. Nothing wrong with Golden Retriever I should say before if you know other breeds .
My thoughts; (based on our two) female dogs can be more stubborn and opinionated, less keen on roaming. Males are a bit easier to train, a bit more adventurous (so might try to escape more) and don't necessarily mark things if they are desexed.
I'd only own a female. In my personal experience males are too goofy, don't listen as well, and will mark territory even when fixed. Males want to be loved and require affection whereas females show love and affection to the owner.

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