Should I get another rooster?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 3, 2011
Lewisburg, TN
I had in my flock, 5 hens and 1 rooster. They are about 10 months old and free range. Last week, my RIR rooster attacked my 4 year old son when we were outside, when he rode his truck too close to where they were. This was the second attack since Ive had my flock, but this attack was much worse. I was across the yard and saw the roo jump on my sons back 3 times! Luckily he had on a huge winter coat so the roo couldnt get to his skin from the back. I ran over and chased the roo around the yard for a few minutes because I was so mad. My husband, however, got out the shotgun and took care of the roo right there. It was pretty devastating because I loved that roo, he was so good to the hens! But I cant have him attacking my son! I know it would only have gotten worse anyhow! Especially when the talons grew out!
ANyhow, my hens sure didnt act right for a few days, and now Im only getting 1-2 eggs per day. Will they ever go back to laying normally? Should I let them free range again without their roo to look over them?
And most importantly, should I find a more docile rooster to introduce to the hens? One that will not attack? And if so, how would I do this?

Thanks so much. Im really heartbroken over losing him. Ive had alot of chicken drama the last couple of weeks, as a feral cat got one of my silkies too!
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If you have silkies, why not consider getting a silkie rooster? Preferably full grown and matured. This way you won't have to suffer the testosterone overload young roosters experience.

I got my silkie rooster at 1 1/2 and he is a perfect gentleman. He protects his girls with all his heart.

Whatever you do, it is suggested to get a mature rooster over a year old. Preferably 1 1/2 when they are at their full maturity.

Sorry for your loss, but I would have let him go with the first attack. He was not a good rooster if he was people aggressive.
You don't really need one. I've gone through two roosters. The first (GLW) was great with the hens, but could not be trusted around people. The second (BO) was good to the pullets I got him with, and no problem around people. But he took a real dislike to my older hen. He beat her up, would not let her get to food, just generally held a rooster grudge against her for some reason. So he had to go. I have found that the birds are much calmer and easier going (Without the suddenly amorous rooster to contend with). I let mine free range and have noticed the girls are very watchfull on their own. I've seen the warning cry go out and they haul it to cover when a hawk goes over. I kinda liked hearing the rooster crow and watch how he looked after his girls, but they are not really necessary.
You don't really need one.  I've gone through two roosters.  The first (GLW)  was great with the hens, but could not be trusted around people.  The second (BO) was good to the pullets I got him with, and no problem around people. But he took a real dislike to my older hen. He beat her up, would not let her get to food, just generally held a rooster grudge against her for some reason.  So he had to go.  I have found that the birds are much calmer and easier going (Without the suddenly amorous rooster to contend with).  I let mine free range and have noticed the girls are very watchfull on their own.  I've seen the warning cry go out and they haul it to cover when a hawk goes over.  I kinda liked hearing the rooster crow and watch how he looked after his girls, but they are not really necessary. 

I find quite the opposite. My girls are much calmer with my roosters around. There are less fights between the girls also.

As long as you have a bad roo, you are bound to have issues with either people aggression, or aggression in the flock. A good rooster will not attack you, or his hens.

I have found that my hens lay better with a rooster around, though there is nothing to support my theory. Once my barred rock rooster started breeding my barred rock hen, she started laying on a daily basis - where she was thoroughly unreliable before.
One thing I have noticed with mine, is whenever one of the hens makes any kind of a loud noise it Bob's not there, he runs as hard as he can to see what's wrong. He is protective of all on the chickens, good with the chicks, and respectful with me and the wife. He really looks out for them and they like it. Plus, he gave me six chicks. Oh and Bob is a GLW.
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Whatever you do, it is suggested to get a mature rooster over a year old. Preferably 1 1/2 when they are at their full maturity.
Sorry for your loss, but I would have let him go with the first attack. He was not a good rooster if he was people aggressive.

Agree 100%. Roosters are individuals, just like most beings and maturity is beneficial to all. I'm quite fond of roosters and would always keep at least one. Magnificent creatures and quite helpfull with the ladies, as long as he's past his "teenage boy, raging hormone" stage of immaturity. Lots of free or cheap roosters around, just get a mature one..........Pop
First of all, I would recommend to NEVER get a RIR rooster if you have a small child. They are well-known for being aggressive. But any rooster can be aggressive, especially around children. My Americauna rooster was getting very aggressive with us and I was worried about my 5 year old son getting attacked. But he is the perfect roo for my hens. He gives them food right out of his mouth and is always protective of them. So I started to work on getting him to not view us as a threat.

I started throwing out some scratch grain or scraps to them daily, making sure to throw some to the roo. I made sure not to wave my arms and to move slowly around him. He learned over the course of just a few weeks that I am not a threat to his hens and that I am a source of food. He no longer tries to attack us. I can get within a foot of him and he's fine.

Do you need a roo? No, but a good one does provide protection if you are free ranging. They also seem to keep the pecking order stable and my hens are calmer with him around.

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