Should I get Grow Gel Plus & Quik Chik? Chick Grit? What do you use?

What is Apple Cider vinegar with mother of vinegar? I have Apple Cider vinegar, is it the same?
Mother of vinegar is a slime composed of a form of cellulose and acetic acid bacteria that develops on fermenting alcoholic liquids, which turns alcohol into acetic acid with the help of oxygen from the air. It is added to wine, cider, or other alcoholic liquids to produce vinegar.

Mother of vinegar can also form in store-bought vinegar if there is some non-fermented sugar and/or alcohol contained in the vinegar. While not appetizing in appearance, mother of vinegar is completely harmless and vinegar does not have to be discarded because of it. It can be filtered out using a coffee filter, or simply left in and ignored.
I should add that if I felt I had any severely stressed chicks, I certainly would add a TBSP of honey or sugar to their waterer to perk them up. I just have never had to do that, so don't do it as a matter of course.
For the last three years we take care of any chicks that have issues at our local feed store. All the chicks they get are shipped. Last year we ended up not returning about ~130 and only ~20 that died during the 8 weeks of getting in 200 - 300 chicks a week (the week of the extra 500 roosters they give away every year can be tiring). So we have been getting a lot of exposure to shipped chicks. As long as they are kept warm they seem to do pretty well during shipping and don't need anything specialized than you wouldn't give to local chick.
We always use medicated starter because it is not fair to deprive chicks from any advantages they can get in life. We take our pets to the vet and take our kid to the doctor when needed and feel chicks should have at least the same care. With medicated feed they have a much better chance of thriving when they hit the great outdoors and since we do not eat them we believe their health is more important. For the weak and sick ones we use vitamin electrolytes mixed in their water. It is not poisonous to chicks unless mixed in the wrong ratio. Follow the directions carefully and do not eyeball the mixture. Change the waterer and only dose for the time recommended on the container and you should do fine.
here are some are some other suppliers that carry the GroGel Plus B, which is what I bought for my chicks I ordered. I think it made them hyper. I did not have to do anything but show it to them and they attacked this grogel plus b.

and here is the manufacture-
Dawe's Labratories
Arlington Heights Il 60004
(800) 323-4317
i dont like using quik chik. or vitalyte or any of those. those powders dont fully dissolve unless you boil them. try using red cell. its a horse mineral but a few drops of it will do the trick in their water. ive given it to chicks and adults alike. as for the gro gel its good to have it packed in the box with the birds when they are shipped because it will help them stay hydrated even though they have "the 2-3 day yolk leftover".
Hi, Guess I'm a little late joining this thread but I will anyways!

I got my chicks from Murray McMurray and I guess that I trusted in them to advise me how to take care of my chicks since this is my first time.

I wanted to do all that they suggested and maybe I am gullable but I thought it sure can't hurt my chicks if I am.

I got the Gro-Gel, Quik Chik and even got the chick grit. My babies are two weeks old tomorrow and all is well!
Either it was just luck or maybe doing what I was told to do had a hand in it.

I put the Quik Chik in their water and dipped their beaks, probably don't have to but it was told to me from someplace to do that so I did! This is very important to help them get over the stress of being in that little box for a day or two or however long and being somewhat dehydrated.

The Go-Gel I think was good too cuz it got the attention of my chicks and may have got them eating sooner, cuz it is such a pretty color
an is supposed to really help those little bodies get strong.

Lastly, they suggested chick grit on the 3rd or 4th day which I did also. My chicks are doing so well and I am very happy about everything!

I suppose that they are trying to make a buck same as everyone but I also think that the chicks benifit from it also I know I did because i felt like I did ALL that I could to keep my babies healthy and happy.
Have you hugged your chicks today???

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